Wednesday, October 16, 2013

TUES., OCT. 15 & WED., OCT. 16, 2013

October 15, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 5 PM. Carl’s van was parked in the parking lot and the birdfeeders were full, blinds open. I met Carl on his way out. Mom was on her bed, O2 on, glasses on, DVD playing with sound low. I got Mom into her wheelchair and Yvonne brought the trays for Mom and Tina. I went back and got juice for Tina and Mom. Mom ate the potatoes, a small amount of the chicken & dumplings, a couple of bites of the spinach, and about half of the dessert. There was a banana peel in the garbage so I imagine that Mom had some banana with Carl also. While Mom ate I marked all of the diapers in her corner with a permanent marker with words like “herpes”, “205B”, “genital warts”, ring worm” as an experiment to see if the diapers last any longer. There are twenty in a pack and Mom likely goes through 4 to 6 per day so that is 3 to 5 days worth. I got Mom back on her bed, put the DVD back on, put her O2 on and cleaned Mom’s teeth. I left about 6:30 PM. Mom was very tired today and did not want to sit up to eat, really. I’m beginning to think that she gets more out of my accompanying her to activities than feeding her but who knows?
October 16, 2013, Wednesday. Riley went by earlier today, about 11 AM, and fed the birds and saw Mom. The blinds were half open when I came about 5 PM and I fed the birds again. With the rain, I didn’t need to water the grass or wash the sidewalk. There was confusion about Mom’s tray because I was supposed to go to a concert tonight but it got cancelled so I went to assist Mom. She was on her bed, watching TV, O2 on, glasses off. I cleaned her glasses and got her into her chair. We did some personal care then I got her colors out and left her coloring while I went to find a tray of food for her. I got one (plus a C.N.A. brought one). Mom ate okay tonight. She ate all the corn, some of the salad, some of the spaghetti and about half of the fruit salad. She accompanied me as I returned the tray to the dining room, propelling herself most of the way. There was a choir in the dining room so we watched them. We enjoyed that surprise! Then I pushed her back to her room and assisted her onto her bed. I cleaned her teeth, gave her a chocolate, Tina a caramel, and put the O2 on her. I forgot to put the TV back on the DVD. OOPS! I left about 6:40 PM. Mom was feeling better tonight and had her sense of humor. We talked about her Dad then Mom asked me if my name is “Clark”. I told her no. I talked to Nurse Linda and she said that Mom’s wound is much better and they are not going to have to put her on antibiotics. She said that they have been letting her rest with her leg up. I noticed the new bandage and that she still has plenty of diapers.

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