Saturday, October 19, 2013

FRIDAY, OCT. 18 & SAT, OCT. 19, 2013

October 18, 2013, Friday. FYI – Mom still has plenty of diapers in her room. So far, it appears that labeling the Hospice supplied diapers with terms like “genital warts”, “herpes” has slowed their consumption significantly.
I went to the NH about 5 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the big TV room. I left some National Geographic’s and a New Yorker in the big TV room and Mom and I went to her room. I set her up at her table, turned off the TV and we did some personal care. I put the lap blanket and a towel for a bib on her and we looked at a National Geographic.  Yvonne brought the trays, no drinks. Mom ate all of her soup, some chips and her fruit but only one bite of the meat. Yvonne came and got the trays. I took Mom for a walk outside and we looked at leaves, a snail shell and the China Berries out back. On the way back, we fed the birds. Then we went inside. I called for assistance and Ben came and we got Mom into bed. She didn’t need changing. I cleaned her teeth, brushed her hair and we channel surfed some. I put the DVD back on, gave Mom & Tina candy then left about 7 PM. Mom was in a good mood and seemed alert to her surroundings today. There were a lot of helium balloons through out the facility and there had been a parade to support Alzheimer’s research all around the building by residents this afternoon. 
October 19, 2013, Saturday. Still plenty of diapers in Mom’s room.
I went to the NH about 5:00PM today. The blinds were open and there was some birdseed in the feeder. I put more in, washed off the sidewalk, and watered the grass. Mom was on her bed, O2 on, glasses on, teeth in, watching DVD, sound down. I noticed that Riley had signed in today, visited, about 1 PM. I turned off the TV and got Mom into her w/c and set her up at her table when the C.N.A. came with Mom’s tray. There was a whipped mystery food that did not taste good at all and some shells in red sauce and undercooked zucchini. Mom ate some Zucchini and shells after I loaded them with Parmesan. Nurse Linda brought a Boost pudding. Mom ate all of that with her two sugar cookies. We watched the birds, brushed her hair and channel surfed some. I assisted Mom back onto her bed. I cleaned her teeth, brushed her hair, put the O2 back on and put the TV back on Singing in the Rain. Mom said she wanted to watch that. I gave Mom and Tina candy and left about 6:30 PM.

Mom was agreeable today and her leg wound looked okay.

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