Thursday, October 31, 2013

WED., OCT 30 & THUR., OCT 31, 2013

October 30, 2013, Wednesday.  I went to the NH about 5 PM. The birdfeeder was full and rain is coming. I went inside and Mom was in her room on her bed watching TV, DVD of American in Paris, blinds open, O2 on but cannula out of place.  There was a Sheriff’s car pulling out when I came in and there was a lot of commotion. I don’t know what was going on. I went to get Mom’s food and I was told I would have to wait until all the trays were out and they would bring the tray to her room. Yvonne came with a student, Monica, and they got Mom into her chair. She had refused me but she likes a lot of attention. We did some personal care and I put her feet on the bed. She did some toe curls and I drew her picture. At 6:10 I went again to get food for Mom but they had quit serving so I got C.N.A. to assist me getting Mom to the car and we went to What A Burger. Mom ate a chicken strip with gravy.  We watched the birds and the traffic. Mom asked “Where are they going so fast?” We returned to the NH and Mom refused to get of the car then it thundered and she got right out and into her wheelchair which I had retrieved from the big TV room. Mom’s Wander Guard did not set off any alarms today. Mom complained of it being too tight and I have to agree. I told Nurse Linda and Yvonne. Nurse Linda said she would cut it off. I assisted Yvonne getting Mom into bed. I cleaned Mom’s teeth and gave Mom and Tina candy. I left about 7:15 PM. 
October 31, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 4:35 PM today. I fed the birds, blinds closed. There were a lot of decorations and costumes on the unit. Mom was on her bed, O2 on but cannula out of place, DVD on, sound down. A C.N.A. brought Tina her tray and asked if Mom was getting up. I said yes and then got Mom into her chair. We did some personal care, channel surfed and watched the birds. I went to get a tray for her but the food wasn’t out yet. I returned to Mom’s room, then a C.N.A. brought Mom’s food. She ate all of the potato puree stuff, about 5 bites of spaghetti and one of the cookies. I noticed that her Wander Guard has been removed. Then we went for a walk in the parking lot. Mom propelled herself more than half the way and did well controlling her chair. We returned to her room. I gave Mom a chocolate and a sugarless candy to Tina. I cleaned Mom’s teeth and helped her onto her bed. I put the DVD back on, sound up, put her O2 on and lap blanket over her legs. I left about 6:30 PM.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

MON. OCT. 28 & TUES., OCT. 29, 2013,

October 28, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 5 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the big TV with sweater draped over the back of her chair. I helped her on with her sweater then accompanied her to her room. We stopped and I spoke to Nurse Diane about Mom’s tray. The NH will plan for Mom to eat in the dining room. If I come then I can get a tray for her and take her to her room. This ensures Mom gets fed and does NOT get left in her room unattended. We went to Mom’s room and channel surfed and watched the birds. We did some personal care then I went to get her tray. She did not eat well tonight but she ate all of the ginger bread cake. A C.N.A. came and got Tina’s and Mom’s trays then another Nurse came and gave Mom meds. I assisted Mom put on her nightgown and get into bed. Mom complained of her sock being too tight on her L foot so I pulled her sock off. Her foot was very purple with a swollen lump across the top of her toes. I changed her socks to loose socks.  I put the pillow under her feet to extra elevate. I gave Mom and Tina candy. I cleaned Mom’s teeth, tucked her in and put the TV on DVD. I left about 7 PM.
October 29, 2013, Tuesday. I emailed Nurse Regina from Hospice about Mom's foot and she responded knowledgeably about the situation. It has to do with Mom's poor circulation. I went to the NH about 5:15 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the dining room. We went to her room and I set her up for supper. I returned to the dining room for her Tray and Nurse Jim said I had to wait until all the trays were out. They usually don’t get all the residents served until about 6 PM so I returned to Mom’s room so as not to leave her alone. We hung up clean clothes that I brought and Nurse Linda came in and said she would get Mom’s supper and she did. I’m glad because Mom eats very slowly and if we had to wait until after 6, it would be late for Mom. She was already saying that she wanted to go to bed. Mom ate pretty well, especially the soup but not the egg salad and she ate only one of the cookies. I put on a new DVD and we channel surfed. Mom spit out her teeth into her napkin so I got her teeth and cleaned them then left Mom watching the birds and TV and returned the tray to the dining room. I assisted Mom into her pajamas, into bed, put her O2 on and tucked her in. I gave Mom and Tina a candy each. I left about 6:50 PM. I think I need to change my strategy about timing for Mom’s tray or discontinue this experiment.  

Sunday, October 27, 2013

SAT., OCT. 26 & SUNDAY, OCT. 27, 2013

October 26, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 5:10 PM. The birdfeeders were full. Mom was in the dining room. When I greeted her, she addressed me by name and I accompanied her to her room. We hung up some clean clothes I brought then I returned to the dining room for a tray for Mom. Mom ate all of the cottage cheese, some of the pineapple I brought and a few bites of the beef stew and the apricots. There was a banana peel in the garbage can, fresh flowers and Carl had signed in 1:30 PM – 2. I cleaned Mom’s teeth and gave Mom and Tina candy then helped Mom into bed without changing her clothes. We channel surfed some then went back to the DVD. I only saw one parrot at the feeder tonight but we watched the birds and squirrels just the same. I put the O2 on her then left about 6:50 PM. Mom was in a good humor for the most part tonight.
Dr. Quinn called today and said that he would be in the building tomorrow after 10 AM.
October 27, 2013, Sunday. Nurse Diane called about 10 AM to say Dr. Quinn was here. I went to NH about 10:15 AM. I put feed in the flat bird feeder. I saw Mom sleeping, O2 on, no teeth. I told Nurse about teeth then met with Dr. Quinn. I left about 11 AM.  
LATER: I went back to NH about 5 PM. I added some seed to the flat feeder. There was a parade of children and adults in costumes in the hallways, giving gifts to residents. Mom was in her room in her chair so I took her around to see the children. She got some Halloween stickers, an orange and socks and was delighted to see the parade. Mom immediately started peeling the orange and did a good job of it. Tina gave Mom a banana and Mom started in on the fruit.  Tina’s tray was in the room but not Mom’s. Her tray was not on the cart for room dinners either. The C.N.A. said she would bring it. Riley came at about 5:15 PM and we went together to search for a tray for Mom but no luck. We returned to Mom’s room and watched the birds then the tray came. I showed Riley about feeding Mom, where the condiments are kept and I searched for her straws but did not find them. The C.N.A. brought Mom’s tray and suggested I talk to someone in charge about the dinner tray orders. Mom ate pretty well and Riley helped. Mom really enjoys Riley. Riley left and Mom finished most of the soup, half of the jello, and the ground chicken mixture on her sandwich (not the bread). I gave Tina and Mom some candy and Tina gave Mom some cookies. I returned the tray to the dining room then we channel surfed some and I assisted Mom into her nightgown and into bed. I left about 7 PM. with teeth cleaned and in container, O2 on and glasses on. Mom was alert and in a good humor tonight.

Friday, October 25, 2013

WED., OCT. 23, THURS., OCT. 24 & FRI., OCT. 25, 2013

October 23, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 5 PM. I fed the birds and noticed that the birds are frequenting the NH’s feeder also. Mom was resting on her bed. Yvonne brought her tray. Mom did not eat well tonight but her cough sounded better, looser. We watched the birds and channel surfed some. We hung up some clean clothes that I brought and Mom did pretty good with problem solving. As I assisted her back onto the bed I noticed that she was sopping wet. Yvonne came and I assisted her in changing Mom and getting her into bed, under the covers. I noticed some ants on the wainscoting so put more bay leaf in her drawers. Mom was in a better humor tonight than she has been for several days. I put the TV back on the DVD and left about 6:30 PM.
October 24, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 10 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed.  Mom was in bed, asleep, O2 on, teeth in, glasses on. I opened the blinds and Mom awoke. I asked which mask for her room then I put the other on her door. I got Mom up, into her chair. We channel surfed and watched the birds & I brushed her hair, got her hat & scarf and lap blanket on then went to Nail Spa. Mom chose glittery red today. We did her nails then I brought her back to her room. I saw Sam the Social worker. She said she left the phone number on my voice machine. I told nurse in charge that I would NOT be there to feed Mom tonight. I accompanied Mom to her room and helped her back into bed. I put the TV on the Fred & Ginger DVD and left her with O2 on about 11:10 AM.
October 25, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 5 PM. The birdfeeder was mostly full but I put a little more on the flat feeder, blinds closed. Riley had been there about 1:30 PM or so. Mom was in her wheelchair facing away from the TV, sound down, wet hair, no hat (cold in that room) and clothes were strewn around and a big wet spot on the floor. Mom had on stranger pants. No trays in the room. Mom & I hung up the clean clothes I brought. She did pretty well, seemed alert. Tina said she had not seen Mom at activities today. I went to look for trays about 5:20 PM and saw C.N.A. Gus in hallway and he said he would bring trays but came with only Tina’s. He said Unit Mgr. said Mom eats in dining room and I said “not when I’m here.” He said he could not tell Mgr. that so I went to dining room to get Mom’s food and there is something going on. Reorganization?? All the residents had name tags in large lettering. There were place names for the residents, written large and there were many staff in the room. I picked up Mom’s place name and went to the servers and got a tray for Mom. Mom ate all of the mystery puree (potatoes?), none of the “chili” and some of the salad. I brought fresh pineapple and she ate about half of that plus some of the canned peaches on her tray. I returned Mom & Tina’s trays to the dining room then assisted Mom into bed. I cleaned her teeth and gave Mom and Tina candy. We bird watched some and channel surfed then I put on a “new” DVD of Fred A and Rita Hayworth. I left with dirty clothes about 6:40 PM.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


October 21, 2013, Monday. I got a call from Nurse Todd at RNC saying that Mom has bronchitis and they are starting an antibiotic. I asked what I should do and he said just “be supportive.” I played phone tag with Nurse Regina from Hospice today. We communicated by email. Dr. Maxwell wants to put Mom in a high back chair to slow down falls. I don’t know how that will help? But okay. I went to the NH about 5 PM. There was birdseed in the feeder and I added some more to the flat feeder. Riley signed the book this afternoon. Mom was on her bed under the covers, O2 on but cannula out of place. I fixed it up and started getting her set-up to eat in bed. Someone brought a tray with spaghetti but Mom was coughing and there was a nebulizer on the desk by her. I went to nurse station and asked for chicken soup. Nurse Diane brought chicken soup to the room. Mom ate some fruit, some soup and some of the veggies. A man brought the new chair and another nebulizer  wrapped in plastic. I put Mom’s old chair out in the hallway, took the leg rests off the new chair and put them under the chest of drawers (those things tear up Mom’s legs when she reaches for the floor.) A. C.N.A. came and took Mom’s tray. I cleaned Mom’s teeth and plugged her bed back into the wall and adjusted the bed. I got Mom’s dirty clothes together. I changed the DVD to Swing Time, gave Mom and Tina candy and left with Mom’s dirty clothes about 7 PM. I spoke to Nurse Linda before I left to say the new chair and nebulizer had been delivered
Note about swallowing: Mom often chews up food then wants to spit it out. If I give her a Reese’s Pieces, or cake or cookie, she has no difficulty swallowing.
October 22, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 5 PM. There was some birdseed in the vertical feeder but I put more in and the flat feeder. I was going in as the C.N.A. was leaving the tray on her table. Mom was on her bed, O2 on, glasses on, teeth in and she did not want to get up. I got her a hat and set up the table over her bed. Mom ate about half of the tuna off her sandwich and about half of her brownie then Nurse Linda came in to give her the breathing treatment. We discovered that Mom was sopping wet and also had a BM so I assisted Nurse Linda to change and clean up Mom. She put the nebulizer on Mom with a double dose of whatever it is in the contraption. The mask kept sliding off. I turned it off after about 20 minutes. I got Mom into jammies and left her on top of the bedcovers with three lap blankets over her and a hat. We saw 10 parrots tonight. I left the TV on DVD Swing Time. I cleaned Mom’s teeth and gave Mom and Tina candy. There was a Boost sitting in the room unopened. I left about 7 PM.

Monday, October 21, 2013


October 20, 2013, Sunday. RNC called ABOUT 1:30 pm. Nurse said that another resident found Mom on the floor in the dining room, that she slid out of her chair. As Nurse was speaking to me, Mom took off at rapid pace and Nurse caught up to her and invited her to speak with me. I asked Mom “how are you feeling?” She responded that “I didn’t spill anything.” I told Mom I would come see her about 5 PM. She said okay and good-bye then I heard her tell Nurse that I was coming at 5:30 PM. I told Nurse it would be about 5 PM and asked if Mom had any injuries. Nurse said that Mom was all right. It sounds like Mom is exercising. Carl called and said that he and Charlotte would meet me at Mom’s with the painting of the dog for approval.
LATER: I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. Carl and Charlotte were there. Charlotte looked great and Carl brought excellent birdseed, cleaned out the Recreation Dept. birdfeeder too and brought flowers. Mom was in bed, no glasses, no teeth. It looked like she has not had her teeth in today. I gave her her teeth and glasses. Carl & Char left and I put the table over Mom’s bed so she could eat in bed. She has a deep wet cough today. She did not eat well but some salad and some of the pizza topping. She ate her ice cream only after I squished up a chocolate in it. She had that bad tasting pudding on her tray again. Tina did not have a comparable dish on her tray. We did some personal care and I clipped her toenails. She said it hurt for me to handle her toes and her big toe nail, left foot looks dead and the toe looks swollen. She most definitely does not feel well, very tired and lethargic. We channel surfed some then I put the TV back on Singing in the Rain. I cleaned Mom’s teeth and gave Mom and Tina some candy. I left Mom on her bed, O2 on, lap blankets over her about 6:30 PM. I stopped by the Nurse station and spoke with Nurse Linda about Mom not feeling well.
Mom still has a good supply of diapers.
October 21, 2013, Monday. I got a call from Nurse Todd at RNC that Mom has bronchitis and they are starting an antibiotic. I asked what I should do and he said just “be supportive.” I played phone tag with Nurse Regina from Hospice today. We communicated by email. Dr. Maxwell wants to put Mom in a high back chair to slow down falls. I don’t know how that will help? But okay. I went to the NH about 5 PM. There was birdseed in the feeder and I added some more to the flat feeder. Riley signed the book this afternoon. Mom was on her bed under the covers, O2 on but cannula out of place. I fixed it up and started getting her set-up to eat in bed. Someone brought a tray with spaghetti but Mom was coughing and there was a nebulizer on the desk by her. I went to nurse station and asked for chicken soup. Nurse Diane brought chicken soup to the room. Mom ate some fruit, some soup and some of the veggies. A man brought the new chair and another nebulizer  wrapped in plastic. I put Mom’s old chair out in the hallway, took the leg rests off the new chair and put them under the chest of drawers (those things tear up Mom’s legs when she reaches for the floor.) A. C.N.A. came and took Mom’s tray. I cleaned Mom’s teeth and plugged her bed back into the wall and adjusted the bed. I got Mom’s dirty clothes together. I changed the DVD to Swing Time, gave Mom and Tina candy and left with Mom’s dirty clothes about 7 PM. I spoke to Nurse Linda before I left to say the new chair and nebulizer had been delivered
Note about swallowing: Mom often chews up food then wants to spit it out. If I give her a Reese’s Pieces, or cake or cookie, she has no difficulty swallowing.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


DECISIONS: Making a decision is work. I always offer Mom choices whenever possible. She often says “ it doesn’t matter.” and of course it probably doesn’t. That’s not the point. I insist. “Choose!” It takes more time to get her to choose which candy, which socks, which movie but as often as I can stand it I make her choose. There is a subtle response in her after making a choice. She is often more invested, behaves more interested after she has chosen something.

FRIDAY, OCT. 18 & SAT, OCT. 19, 2013

October 18, 2013, Friday. FYI – Mom still has plenty of diapers in her room. So far, it appears that labeling the Hospice supplied diapers with terms like “genital warts”, “herpes” has slowed their consumption significantly.
I went to the NH about 5 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the big TV room. I left some National Geographic’s and a New Yorker in the big TV room and Mom and I went to her room. I set her up at her table, turned off the TV and we did some personal care. I put the lap blanket and a towel for a bib on her and we looked at a National Geographic.  Yvonne brought the trays, no drinks. Mom ate all of her soup, some chips and her fruit but only one bite of the meat. Yvonne came and got the trays. I took Mom for a walk outside and we looked at leaves, a snail shell and the China Berries out back. On the way back, we fed the birds. Then we went inside. I called for assistance and Ben came and we got Mom into bed. She didn’t need changing. I cleaned her teeth, brushed her hair and we channel surfed some. I put the DVD back on, gave Mom & Tina candy then left about 7 PM. Mom was in a good mood and seemed alert to her surroundings today. There were a lot of helium balloons through out the facility and there had been a parade to support Alzheimer’s research all around the building by residents this afternoon. 
October 19, 2013, Saturday. Still plenty of diapers in Mom’s room.
I went to the NH about 5:00PM today. The blinds were open and there was some birdseed in the feeder. I put more in, washed off the sidewalk, and watered the grass. Mom was on her bed, O2 on, glasses on, teeth in, watching DVD, sound down. I noticed that Riley had signed in today, visited, about 1 PM. I turned off the TV and got Mom into her w/c and set her up at her table when the C.N.A. came with Mom’s tray. There was a whipped mystery food that did not taste good at all and some shells in red sauce and undercooked zucchini. Mom ate some Zucchini and shells after I loaded them with Parmesan. Nurse Linda brought a Boost pudding. Mom ate all of that with her two sugar cookies. We watched the birds, brushed her hair and channel surfed some. I assisted Mom back onto her bed. I cleaned her teeth, brushed her hair, put the O2 back on and put the TV back on Singing in the Rain. Mom said she wanted to watch that. I gave Mom and Tina candy and left about 6:30 PM.

Mom was agreeable today and her leg wound looked okay.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


October 17, 2013, Thursday. RNC (Todd)called about 9:45 AM to say that Mom had another fall, bumped her head and hurt her left elbow. I went to NH about 10:10, fed the birds and found Mom in an activity. Nurse Diane said that Mom had been looking for a way out of the facility all morning. She fell walking to the bathroom with a walker!? I think she must have borrowed Tina’s because hers was still folded up against the wall. I changed DVD to Singing in the Rain. I sat with Mom in the activity and checked her bump on her head and her elbow, which was bleeding slightly with no bandage. We went to Nurse Diane and got it covered then went to the covered patio and sat in the sunlight. Mom asked me “Where’s Melanie?”  I bought Mom some chips then took her to the dining room for lunch. I got her a coffee and left about 11:30 AM. Dr. Fran and Nurse Diane discussed urine analysis from Monday with me which indicated no abnormalities. I saw Hospice C.N.A. Wendy putting diapers in the hospice clients rooms and told her about the labeling. Mom is feeling spunky.
LATER: I went to the NH about 5 PM. I fed the birds, half of the blinds open. Mom was in her room, sitting on her bed back to the windows with her supper tray set-up in front of her. Her teeth were in a cup of water, no glasses and O2 on but the cannula was on her bed beside her. Her bump on her head looks about the same. She had no slacks on and her leg bandage was out of place, loose, but still covering the worst of the wound. She said the room was going round and round and she wanted to lie down. I opened the other half of the blinds, got her on the bed and raised the head of the bed and put the table with supper over her lap. I found her glasses in a drawer, put those on her, put her teeth in, and put the cannula in place on her nostrils. She wasn’t very hungry but I coaxed some of the broccoli & cauliflower down her with parmesan cheese and ketchup, some rice. I returned the tray to the dining room then Mom & I hung up clean clothes. I turned up the sound on the DVD and we watched the birds and talked about the movie. Mom got a card from Quembe which we read and talked about Quembe and OK.  Tina told a different version of Mom’s fall this morning. She says that Mom fell out of her wheelchair on the “hill” going to the Great Room. Tina says that she had her back to Mom so she didn’t see the actual fall. I cleaned Mom’s teeth and left them in the cup with mouthwash and water. I gave Mom a chocolate and a caramel and a sugarless caramel to Tina. Mom did not want me to go and leave her all alone. We looked at all the stuff in her room and channel surfed then back to DVD. I left about 6:30 PM and Mom told me to come straight home after work.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

TUES., OCT. 15 & WED., OCT. 16, 2013

October 15, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 5 PM. Carl’s van was parked in the parking lot and the birdfeeders were full, blinds open. I met Carl on his way out. Mom was on her bed, O2 on, glasses on, DVD playing with sound low. I got Mom into her wheelchair and Yvonne brought the trays for Mom and Tina. I went back and got juice for Tina and Mom. Mom ate the potatoes, a small amount of the chicken & dumplings, a couple of bites of the spinach, and about half of the dessert. There was a banana peel in the garbage so I imagine that Mom had some banana with Carl also. While Mom ate I marked all of the diapers in her corner with a permanent marker with words like “herpes”, “205B”, “genital warts”, ring worm” as an experiment to see if the diapers last any longer. There are twenty in a pack and Mom likely goes through 4 to 6 per day so that is 3 to 5 days worth. I got Mom back on her bed, put the DVD back on, put her O2 on and cleaned Mom’s teeth. I left about 6:30 PM. Mom was very tired today and did not want to sit up to eat, really. I’m beginning to think that she gets more out of my accompanying her to activities than feeding her but who knows?
October 16, 2013, Wednesday. Riley went by earlier today, about 11 AM, and fed the birds and saw Mom. The blinds were half open when I came about 5 PM and I fed the birds again. With the rain, I didn’t need to water the grass or wash the sidewalk. There was confusion about Mom’s tray because I was supposed to go to a concert tonight but it got cancelled so I went to assist Mom. She was on her bed, watching TV, O2 on, glasses off. I cleaned her glasses and got her into her chair. We did some personal care then I got her colors out and left her coloring while I went to find a tray of food for her. I got one (plus a C.N.A. brought one). Mom ate okay tonight. She ate all the corn, some of the salad, some of the spaghetti and about half of the fruit salad. She accompanied me as I returned the tray to the dining room, propelling herself most of the way. There was a choir in the dining room so we watched them. We enjoyed that surprise! Then I pushed her back to her room and assisted her onto her bed. I cleaned her teeth, gave her a chocolate, Tina a caramel, and put the O2 on her. I forgot to put the TV back on the DVD. OOPS! I left about 6:40 PM. Mom was feeling better tonight and had her sense of humor. We talked about her Dad then Mom asked me if my name is “Clark”. I told her no. I talked to Nurse Linda and she said that Mom’s wound is much better and they are not going to have to put her on antibiotics. She said that they have been letting her rest with her leg up. I noticed the new bandage and that she still has plenty of diapers.

Monday, October 14, 2013

SUNDAY, OCT. 13, AND MONDAY, OCT. 14, 2013

October 13, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open. I could see Mom eating in bed inside. It is overcast and 5 inches of rain so far in this neighborhood. Just as I was sitting down to assist Mom, a C.N.A. came in intending to assist Mom. She was on her bed, outside the covers, O2 on, a sheet over her lap, a towel on her chest for a bib eagerly eating her soup. She finished it all then I put mustard and ketchup in the tuna salad on the sandwich and she ate most of the salad, not the bread. She did not want the canned peaches dessert but also ate the crackers and a small container of “honey sauce”. We channel surfed, watched the birds and I got out the colors and she and I together colored a bird. We did some personal care and hung up the clean clothes I brought. The med nurse brought her meds. I cleaned her teeth, gave Mom and Tina candy. I got one of her lap blankets out as it was cold in her room. I put on the Bird Migration DVD on and left about 6:30 PM. Mom’s problem solving was low and she seemed lethargic but cheerful.

October 14, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 5 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. It has been raining all day so I didn’t water the grass, etc. Mom was in the Big TV room. No sweater or hat and she said she was cold. It felt cool to me in the room. I accompanied her to her room. C.N.A. Sharon said that Mom’s tray was in her room. In Mom’s room, I noticed that Mom’s wipes were gone and there were no diapers for Mom. I turned off the TV, opened the blinds, got Mom a sweater and hat and set Mom up for supper. She did not eat well tonight. She barely touched the sloppy Joe, ate half the French fries, all four of the fried zucchini slices and both of the cookies. I couldn’t find trash bags to line Mom dirty clothes pail so we went for a walk out to my car and I got a birdseed bag out of the trunk for the dirty clothes pail. We walked around a bit, watched the clouds then went back in. Nurse Linda came to change Mom’s bandage. I got Mom onto her bed, into a nightgown. The wound on her leg looked very bad. Bruising knee to ankle and there was yellowish ooze coming out. Nurse Linda put extra padding on the wound and told me about her problems with her documentation for her education and her inheritance. I told Nurse Linda that I would not be coming on Wednesday. I didn’t change Mom although she was wet because there were no diapers. Mom’s bed did not have a top sheet so I got one and made her bed then got out one of the lap blankets to put over the bedspread because her room was cold. I cleaned Mom’s teeth. I gave Tina and Mom candy. I got Mom’s dirty clothes and left about 7:10 PM.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


October 11, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 5:15 PM. I fed the birds, washed off the sidewalk and watered the grass. Rain is predicted but who knows? Mom was in the big TV room and she was glad to see me. I noticed her upper dentures missing. I found them in her pocket wrapped in a napkin. I accompanied her to her room. Her supper was there on her table. BarBQ, potato salad and beans served tonight in honor of the outdoor party and dance in the back parking lot tonight. There was water all over the floor near the flowers and the plastic utensils for Mom were melted, fused. I set up Mom with a spoon I found in the drawer then went for functional utensils and a drink, juice. Nurse Diane accompanied me to Mom’s room and cleaned up the spilled water and stayed and visited for a bit.  Mom asked to sit facing the window, noting the comings and goings outside, more than usual. Mom ate all of the potato salad, some of the beans, a few bites of the brisket, and all of the ice cream. Then I called for assistance to change Mom and a C.N.A. came right away. We got Mom changed and when we changed her slacks I noticed her wound on her right leg was bleeding under the bandage. The C.N.A. said that it was Not normal and that she would tell the Nurse. We went outside to the festivities. Mom enjoyed seeing the excitement, the weather was pleasant and we got our picture taken. A lot of the staff were there helping out. Then Mom said that she wanted to go home and watch TV. She had complained of feeling dizzy. We returned to her room and I helped her get into bed, turned on the DVD of Top Hat and I cleaned her dentures. I mentioned the problem with Mom’s bandage to Nurse Linda then left about 6:50 PM.
October 12, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 5 PM. The birdfeeder was full and the grass was watered, blinds open. Mom was in her room, in her w/c, sound down on the TV and her O2 cannula on her bed, O2 pump on. Tina said that Mom had taken it off. Mom told me she was ready to go home. I saw that Riley had signed in and visited today. We hung up the clean clothes I brought then I set her up for supper. The trays had not come. Nurse Steve came in and asked if Tina had eaten much and we said “no food yet”. Mom and I looked at photos and cards, did some personal care. I checked the wound on her leg and it had a more serious bandage on it today. Tina said it squirted blood everywhere when they changed it. The trays came about 5:35 PM. Mom ate some of her French fries and salad and a few bites of the hamburger meat and both of her cookies. When I returned Mom’s tray to the dining room, Nurse Steve asked how she ate and I asked Nurse Steve to give Mom a Boost later. We channel surfed and watched the birds some. I put on a new DVD, Swing Time. Mom seemed a little more alert today and said several times that she was ready to go home so I told her that she was home. She said she wanted to go for a walk then changed her mind and wouldn’t go. So I assisted her into bed, cleaned her teeth and gave her the O2.  I left about 6:50 PM.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


October 10, 2013, Thursday. Nurse Diane called about 9:10 AM to say that Mom fell last night about 10:40 PM. The night nurse heard Mom calling and found Mom on the floor on her back. Mom said that she was picking something up. I went to the NH about 10:15 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. I stopped by the office to exchange checks but I didn’t have a new Trust check in the check book and Ms Sandlin wasn’t in so we didn’t do it. I talked to Nurse Diane about Mom’s fall and about her continued weight loss then went to Mom’s room. She was sleeping with O2 on, glasses on, teeth in and sound down on TV. I opened the blinds and Mom awoke. I tried to get her up to go to Nail Spa activity but she complained of dizziness and did not want to get out of bed, seriously. Her wounds on Right leg, left arm were bandaged with clear coverings. I cleaned her glasses, turned up the sound then spoke with Nurse Diane. Nurse Diane and C.N.A. came to her room and noted bruise left side of her head. Nurse Diane said she would speak with Doctor Maxwell later today. I gave Mom water, a caramel, adjusted her bed and the sound on the TV and left about 10:30 AM.
LATER: I went to the NH about 5:10 PM. The birdfeeder was full. Mom was in her room, in her w/c, O2 on, with her tray eating her soup. I sat down and accompanied her. She was chewing up then spitting out the remnants. I got her to swallow by adding ketchup then put some salt on the spinach and she ate some of that. She ate all of her fruit and the cookie I brought to her. Mom was somewhat disoriented and told me that she had seen Melanie today. Also she thought Carl was on TV. Granted there was a man with a beard in a show on Tina’s TV. Carl had brought fresh flowers and clean vase today. Tina reported that Mom had been calling out for Cynthia, also, and asked me “Who is Cynthia?” I said that she is the prettiest one. The toilet was stopped up. I reported it and Nurse Linda took a plunger to it. Later housekeeping came and mopped up the mess. Mom didn’t want to go for a walk but just wanted to go to bed. I called for assistance but no one came. I got Mom into bed and changed. Mom expressed trepidation about the edge of the bed, a fear of falling so I lowered the bed and left it very low to the ground. We watched the birds and channel surfed then I left about 6:45 PM.
Photo courtesy of Carl today.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

TUESDAY, OCT. 8 & WED., OCT. 9, 2013

October 8, 2013, Tuesday. Nurse Linda called last night to say that a huge bruise has developed on Mom’s left knee.
 I called the NH this morning and left a message in Candy Sandlin’s voice mail to not deposit that check. I also went by about 9:30 AM but Ms Sandlin wasn’t in. An email from Regina, Hospice nurse this morning says that the big bruise looks okay, that mom’s breathing is good but she continues to lose weight. She is down to 116 lbs.  I called the facility about 2 PM and spoke with Mike, assistant administrator about the check. He found it and put it aside for me to discuss with Candy later. Candy is out sick today. I went to the NH about 5:15 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open, washed the sidewalk and watered the grass. When I went to Mom’s room the door was closed and 2 C.N.A.s were in the room, changing Mom and getting her up. One left to get the supper trays for Tina & Mom and I assisted getting Mom up. We watched the birds and did some personal care. Mom ate all of her tamales with ketchup, but a few bites of the cream of broccoli soup and the butter beans. The salad had hot peppers on it and was too spicy. She ate one of the ginger cookies. We hung up the clean clothes I brought. We channel surfed and watched the birds then I assisted Mom into nightgown and to bed. I left the TV on the Top Hat DVD. Mom was in a good humor tonight. The bruise on her left knee is enormous, quite impressive. I talked to Nurse Linda briefly. She had all new C.N.A.s on the unit. I left about 7 PM.
October 9, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 5:15 PM. I fed the birds, blinds half open. The vertical birdfeeder was full and there was still feed in the horizontal feeder and the grass was watered. Mom was in her room, in bed, in nightgown with a student sitting with her assisting her eating supper….in bed! I got Mom a bib and took over. Mom was eating her veggie soup well. I added salt, pepper and ketchup to the potatoes and she ate them all plus some of the ground beef and almost all of the soup. She ate the chocolate cake I brought, too. I couldn’t find her glasses and went to the nurse station and asked for help finding the glasses. The C.N.A. came with the student and we found them in Mom’s armpit. Really. I also found the sign-in pad we had lost. It was behind the TV. We did some personal care, channel surfed and watched the birds. I left about 6:30 PM. Mom seemed tired and there is a new bruise on her left thumb. She said it doesn’t hurt.

Monday, October 7, 2013

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 & MON., OCT. 7, 2013

October 6, 2013, Sunday. Nurse called and said that Mom slid out of her w/c this morning at an activity in the Great Room. The nurse examined Mom and found no evidence of injury. My hunch is that Mom wanted to leave the piano concert and her wheels were locked. She is not much of a morning person. Just a hunch. I went to the NH about 5 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. We had ½ inch of rain last night so the grass was watered. I found Mom in her room with her food (no tray) on the table in front of her. According to Tina I was wrong about Mom’s brakes. From Tina’s description it sounds like her brakes were off and she tried to stand up but who knows? The pianist scheduled this morning didn’t show up and the UT business women’s club didn’t show up this afternoon, so I was told. (ACL Fest is in town?) Mom had finished half of her ice cream. I put the rest aside and Mom ate some cornbread and all the salad. The chili wasn’t good even with ketchup. I gave her some graham crackers and a cookie to eat with the rest of the ice cream. Then we went for a walk. We set off the alarm going out but walked around the building, after sitting in the lovely evening, to the employee’s entrance on unit I and no alarm when we went in. I asked the Nurse and she said that entrance is not alarmed!!. Very interesting. I accompanied Mom to her room and the C.N.A. Rowanda came and assisted getting Mom into bed and changed. I turned on the Brigadoon DVD and the birds came back. I left about 6:40 PM. Nurse Linda told me that C.N.A.s Anabel and Frank had left which is unfortunate. She said everybody cried but the pay is not good at RNC. The atmosphere is very homey and caring but they are having financial difficulty. I know Seton is in trouble and RNC is having difficulty with their relationship with Seton.  Plus the State of Texas cuts.
October 7, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 4:15 today. First I went to see Candy Sandlin about Mom’s Trust account. After some examination of the records, I wrote RNC a check for the accidentally accumulated funds from the reduced expense for Medicare part D for 5 or 6 months in 2012 in the amount of $185.58. Then I went to the back, fed the birds, blinds open, washed the sidewalk and sprinkled the grass. There was birdseed in the tall feeder and the grass had been watered. Riley visited today around 1 PM. Mom was on her bed watching TV, sound down, O2 on. The C.N.A. brought Tina’s and Mom’s trays about 4:40 PM. Mom ate all of her tomato soup, most of the cheese sandwich and some of the potato soup. I added salt and pepper and a few corn chips. She did not eat her pudding but did eat some of the cookie. Annie from Rec. came by and visited. I returned her tray to the dining room then I helped Mom back onto her bed. I changed the DVD to Top Hat and left about 6:45 PM. Mom was alert, cheerful and indicated some self direction tonight.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

FRIDAY, OCT. 4 & SAT., OCT. 5, 2013

October 4, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 4:50 PM. I fed the birds, washed the sidewalk and watered the grass. Mom was in her room in bed and waved at me through the window. I brought a pad to sign-in on and signed. Mom’s tray was in her room and the C.N.A. brought juice for Mom and Tina. Tina said that Mom stayed mostly in bed today. Mom ate well, with a lot of ketchup. Her DVD player was off. We channel surfed and watched the birds then went for a walk after supper. Mom propelled herself most of the way down the hallways and back. We did some personal care, I washed her teeth and gave Mom & Tina a candy. I was assisting Mom to bed and called for help. I had Mom mostly changed and in bed when the C.N.A. came and finished up. I left about 6:45 PM. I put the Opera back on. Mom likes it.
October 5, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 5 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed, washed the sidewalk and watered the grass. The vertical feeder was almost full but I added some. I found Mom in the dining room and brought her back to her room. The C.N.A. brought Tina’s tray and said she would return with Mom’s. We did some personal care and the Opera was still on the TV. Carl signed the book today around 2 PM. Tina said he didn’t leave any new flowers but Mom flowers looked fine. I got the tray and returned to Mom’s room. I turned off the TV and Mom ate pretty well. She said that she didn’t want to stay here anymore and seemed sad tonight. I took her for a walk outside and set off the alarms. I found out I need to push the outside button to stop the alarm. The wind was blowing and it was a bit chilly but the sun was out and it was a nice walk out back. I took Mom back to her room and the C.N.A. came and I assisted her in getting Mom to bed and changed. I washed Mom’s teeth, gave Tina and Mom candy but didn’t put the O2 on.  I changed the DVD to Brigadoon and got Mom’s dirty clothes and left about 6:50 PM.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

TINA, Mom's Roommate

Tina is Mom’s roommate in 205. She was there when Mom was admitted. We chose 205 because Tina said that she would not mind if Mom had her TV on all night long. I don’t know all of Tina’s ailments but she is more independent than Mom. She goes to the bathroom independently and also uses a wheelchair but she transfers herself. She has problems with her feet especially with her right foot. She talks without self editing so while she does report what’s going on, it is often difficult to figure out what she is saying because the trail of her comments are not sequential or related in obvious denotation or connotation. Tina has a bad shoulder and has gained a lot of weight since we first met her. She has diabetes so I keep sugarless candy in Mom’s drawer to offer Tina when I give Mom candy. Her son and daughter-in-law visit. They live in Central Texas but not close by. Tina has good manners and is very nice and positive much of the time. She is fond of the Animal Planet channel on TV and is very fond of watching the birds.


October 2, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 5:15 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open, washed the sidewalk and watered the grass. There was some seed in the feeder and the grass was damp. Riley told me earlier today that he was going to visit. I forgot to sign the book again. When I went to Mom’s room, Nurse Ben was sitting with her and said that Mom had finished eating. He said she ate well, about half her food. Nurse Ben is a lovely gentle man and was enjoying the DVD of the Bird Migrations with Mom. Mom and I hung up the clean clothes I brought. She can hang up the clothes if I shake them out and give them to her right side up. I gave Mom some leftover cookies and she ate about three, refusing the last one. I took her teeth, cleaned them. We watched the birds out the window and the DVD. We did some personal care then I called for assistance. I got Mom into her bed and a C.N.A. came just as she was getting settled. She didn’t need changing. I gave Mom and Tina some candy then left about 6:30 PM.
October 3, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 5:15 PM. There was a lot of seed, blinds open, but I added some more seed plus washed off the sidewalk and watered the grass. Mom was in her bed, O2 on and her tray was on her table. I turned off the DVD and set up Mom in her w/c with her back towards the TV and turned off her O2. Tina said that Mom did not go to Bingo today. From her account it sounds like they were short on volunteers, today but I’m not sure about that. There were fresh flowers in her room and a banana peel in the garbage so Carl must have come. I could not find the sign in book nor her hand sanitizer. There were some additional condiments in a plastic container. Mom used a lot of ketchup but ate with a good appetite at finished at least half her food.  I returned Tina’s and Mom’s trays to the dining room then gave Mom and Tina candy. Tonight there was a small bright yellow bird with a green belly in addition to the usual population. It looks like a canary or parakeet. We did some personal care and I assisted Mom onto her bed. I cleaned her teeth and glasses. We channel surfed then I changed the DVD to Opera tonight. I left about 6:45 PM.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Definition – “Personal Care”
This phrase covers different activities with Mom. It could refer to some or all of the following activities; (rarely all, usually some)brushing Mom’s hair, washing her face, washing her hands, putting on face cream, cleaning and/or cutting her fingernails, putting hand cream on arms and legs, checking her feet, trimming her toe nails.  C.N.A.s are not allowed to cut nails. I don’t think they are allowed to apply cream, either. I know for a fact that at least one C.N.A. has cut Mom’s nails, for  which I am grateful. Family members can do all sorts of things that are awkward or forbidden to C.N.A.s. The rules say that medical staff (R.N., doctor, specialists) can cut nails. RNC keeps Mom cleaner than either I or Cynthia ever managed. I don’t know how they do it. Mom used to fight me tooth and nail at bath time. But her skin is dry and she benefits from creams. Especially on her hands, arms, legs and face. Her feet don’t need as much attention as they used to because she doesn’t use them much now. I keep clippers and other forbidden items in a bag in the top of her closet with a suitcase lock on it. Anything marked “Keep out of reach of children” is kept in the bag. For example mouthwash. I put mouthwash in with her dentures sometimes instead of denture cleanser every night. Toe nail clippers are also in the bag. I carry a small pocket knife in my purse that I use for cleaning Mom’s nails, usually, but to cut her nails, the clippers. There are a few things in the bottom drawer of the dresser that are iffy as far as the State is concerned. For example, I have a brand of glasses cleanser that does not say “Keep out of…” in that bottom drawer.
 I once found the little suitcase lock on the bag missing. My theory is that someone broke it to see if there were “valuables”, jewelry or money, in the bag. It is just a tiny little lock. I had another just like it and replaced it, same keys. Thievery really is unusual at RNC. Things disappear then other things appear that I’ve never seen before. I don’t wash her face with soap anymore. It is too complicated. Mom doesn’t follow spoken commands well any more so it is difficult to get her to keep her eyes closed. They do keep her clean. Her bath time is early morning. But she does enjoy a warm cloth on her face and a good wipe of hands and face. And I have hand sanitizer for her hands in addition to hand cream.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

MONDAY, SEPT. 30, & TUESDAY, OCT. 1, 2013

September 30, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 5:20 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed, watered the grass, hosed off the sidewalk. I couldn’t find Mom. She was in dining room III (the Great Room) with her tray eating her cake on her tray. Isabella (a resident) was keeping an eye on her. I took her tray to her room then went back for Mom. Mom did not have her glasses nor her teeth. I turned her table facing the head of the bed instead of towards the TV (off) so she would be less distracted by Tina’s TV.  Mom ate the rice and peas pretty well but the roast chicken was really dry. All the meat at the NH seems to be very dry. How do they do that? We watched the birds and channel surfed some. I took Tina’s and Mom’s trays to the dining room then pushed the button for assistance to get Mom in bed. C.N.A. Yahoo came and we got Mom changed and in bed. Nurse Linda came to give Meds to Tina and we talked about getting Mom recertified with Hospice. Nurse Linda talked about how great it is to have Hospice, an extra pair of eyes since they are so short staffed. Only Yahoo was on our wing tonight. Yahoo is from Congo and speaks a French patoi.  I put on the Little Mermaid DVD and left about 7 PM.
I got the bill from RNC Saturday for October and it makes no sense to me. It says that RNC owes Mom $131.47. If this is so then Mom will lose her Medicaid then we will owe RNC over $6,000.00. I have to talk to the RNC accountant, Candy Sandlin.
October 1, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 5:20 PM. I fed the birds, the blinds half open, washed the sidewalk and watered the grass. I forgot to sign the book in Mom’s room. Franca brought Mom from the dining room and Mom’s tray was in her room. Tina was already in bed. The birds did a grand display tonight, 10 parrots. Mom ate over half her vegetable soup and the egg salad off the bread in her sandwich. The other soup was peculiar. She ate one of the cookies and declared she was full. Mom’s bedspread stank and I pulled it off and put her bedspread plus one of the lap blankets on her. Franca came and helped Mom to bed and changed her. Franca was hurried and seemed frazzled. Mom got some kind of sinus medicine from a Med nurse also. I took her tray back to the dining room, gave Mom and Tina candy. We channel surfed some and brushed Mom’s hair. Tucked her in and changed the DVD to bird Migration. I left about 7 PM. Mom was having a lot of difficulty understanding speech tonight. There was evidence that she had participated in activities this afternoon.