Monday, December 2, 2013

SUN., DEC. 1 & MON., DEC. 2, 2013

December 1, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on, glasses on, sound down on the opera and the lights off in her room. Barbara W. from the Episcopalian Ministry came by and visited. It was great to see her. I started to get Mom up but she was very wet so I called for help and started changing her. C.N.A. Adam arrived with Mom’s tray and assisted me in getting Mom changed into her chair. Mom has a new bandage on her leg. Mom ate well, more than half, with added curry to the salad, parmesan cheese for the chili, and honey for the cornbread. A C.N.A. brought a small cup of Boost also. We went for a walk around the facility after supper and Mom propelled herself about half the way. I left a note at the beauty shop asking for a wash & set for Mom (on Tuesday). We went back to her room, channel surfed and then I helped Mom into bed, cleaned her teeth and put on a Fred A. DVD. I also left a note at the Nurse station about the loose connection for the cable TV. I left about 6:30 PM. Mom was alert enough to argue with me today.
December 2, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in her room on her bed. C.N.A. Adam came and assisted me getting her into her chair and brought Mom’s tray. Mom ate well tonight; half the cheese sandwich, all of the tomato soup and the butterscotch pudding! We channel surfed some and only one bird came to the seed tonight, a white rock dove. We hung up some clean clothes I brought and went for a walk around the facility. Donna told me that Mom was at the music concert this morning. We went to the front foyer and watched the sunset and the cars. Then we went back to her room. Mom propelled herself almost half the way. We looked at photographs and Mom identified family and children correctly. She did not recognize Dad (Al). I assisted Mom into her nightgown and back into bed. I cleaned her teeth, put her O2 on, cleaned her glasses, changed the DVD to Winged Migration. I left about 6:30 PM.

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