Tuesday, December 31, 2013

MON., 12/30 & TUES., 12/31/13 MOM DREW THE TREE!!

On the left is a sketch I did of the flowers from Carl in Mom's room from 12/29/13 THEN on the right I got Mom to draw the Christmas tree in the Great Room! She's still got It!

December 30, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 4:40 PM and left about 6:30 PM. The bird feeders were full and the blinds open. I saw Mom on her bed and she waved at me. In the TV room I assisted Judy orient her w/c when Roxanne came in and told me that Mom eagerly got out of bed and was very cooperative saying “she’s here”. I found Mom sitting in her chair, O2 on and in place, glasses on and DVD playing. I saw that Riley had signed in today plus I had talked to him today about his visit.  Mom was very cooperative and glad to see me today. We saw a Cardinal at the feeder. We did some personal care then I got her tray. I put mayo, curry, bar-b-que sauce and salt on the chopped chicken and she ate over half of that. I put Bar-B-Q sauce, salt and curry on the blackeyed peas and she ate almost half of those. She didn’t eat the spinach nor the chopped fruit but ate a cookie from yesterday and half of the roll. I took her teeth out, cleaned them and gave her a chocolate. Then we went for a walk and she DREW THE CHRISTMAS TREE! She propelled herself some of the way. We returned to her room, channel surfed then I helped her into bed, put the O2 on and the TV on the DVD. I gave Mom a mint, got her dirty clothes and left.          
December 31, 2013, Tuesday. Sam the social worker called and said that Sylvia the administrator would buy new shoes for Mom. I called back but Sam had left so I left a message that the shoes were found in Ms Knickerbocker’s room. That housekeeping had confused “Knickerbocker” and “Hickerson”. Then Riley called and said that he is going to see Mom and take her to the party this afternoon at 3:30 PM. then stay and feed Mom so I don’t need to go today! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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