December 6, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about
4:40 PM today. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was on her bed and her room
was COLD! C.N.A. Adam brought Mom’s tray and I helped him change Mom and get
her into her chair. I gave her a lap blanket and a hat. She ate well tonight;
at least half her beef noodle dish, all of her bread, none of her veggies, and
both her chocolate chip cookies. We channel surfed and I soaked and cleaned her
fingernails. I went to the nurses station and reported that Mom’s room (205) is
COLD. I saw Donna from Rec. and she said that Mom did not participate in
activities today. I suspect the cold room keeps Mom in bed. I helped Mom into a
nightgown and back into bed. I put extra covers on Mom. I cleaned her teeth,
put her O2 on and left about 6:30. EMS was on
Unit 2 to transport someone to the hospital. I left Mom watching the American
in Paris DVD.
December 7, 2013,
Saturday. I
telephoned Unit 2 this afternoon and told them that Mom’s room was cold. Nurse
Jim told me that Ted the maintenance was on site today and would check it. I went to the NH about 4:40 PM. The
birdfeeders were full, blinds open. I saw that Carl signed in today about 1:30
PM. Mom was on her bed, O2 on, glasses on, teeth in, watching American in Paris
DVD. I started to get Mom up but she was very wet so I changed her. Her room is
warmer today. We got her into her chair and did some personal care. I went to
get Mom’s tray. We channel surfed some while eating then I turned the TV off.
Mom ate about half her hamburger some of her salad and fries and all of her ice
cream after I crumbled some chocolate into it. When I returned her tray, I saw
Nurse Steve and asked him to look at Mom’s wound. He did and it looks good. I changed her sock and noted her foot was blue. Nurse Steve saw that, too. I have advocated for no foot rests on her wheelchair but I think I am wrong about that. We
channel surfed some then I assisted Mom back onto her bed, on top of the covers
with bedspread and lap blanket over her. I cleaned her teeth, put the O2 on and
put the TV back on American in Paris.
I left about 6:30 PM.
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