Wednesday, December 4, 2013

TUES., DEC. 3 & WED., DEC. 4, 2013

December 3, 2013, Tuesday. MOM’S DEVELOPING A BEDSORE! I went to the NH about 5PM today. The birdfeeders were all full. Mom was in bed, O2 on. Someone has removed the extension on Mom’s back rest on her wheelchair and it is much better. She does not need the extended back. Yvonne came and helped me get Mom into her chair then went and got Mom’s tray. Mom ate one of the two tamales, all the tomatoes in the salad, some of the beans and one of the raisin cookies. Carl signed in about 3 PM and had brought fresh flowers. He noted that she had eaten ½ of a banana he had brought today. We channel surfed, talked about birds, played patty cake. She had her hair done today and looks great! When I assisted Mom back into bed, she was wet so I called for help and changed her. Just as I was finishing up, C.N.A. Norma came and I told her about the bedsore and she got some cream out of the drawer and put on her and put on her O2. I cleaned Mom’s glasses and teeth then gave her a chocolate. There was a written report from the social worker, Sam, about Mom’s missing shoe. I changed the TV back to the bird video which Mom requested, turned down the lights and left with Mom’s dirty clothes about 6:50 PM.
December 4, 2013, Monday. I got an email from Regina, at hospice saying that Mom now weighs 117.5. She is pleased with that weight. I went to the NH about 4:45 tonight. There was still bird seed in the feeders, blinds closed. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on but cannula out of place, glasses off, sound down on DVD. I opened the blinds and started to get Mom up but she was wet so I changed her. C.N.A. brought the tray for supper while I was changing her but hurried away and didn’t assist. Her bedsore looks much better. I got Mom into her chair, brushed her hair, found and cleaned her glasses and turned off the TV. Mom says that she went to activities today. She ate about half of her soup, some of the potato salad and some of the bread, all of the cookie and some pieces of pineapple. We looked at pictures. Mom did well at identifying people in the photos but not 100%, just some mild confusion. We played patty cake and I assisted her back into bed. We channel surfed some then I put the TV back on the Winged Migration film. She wanted to watch that. I put the O2 on and cleaned her teeth. I left about 6:45 PM. Mom was alert overall tonight and knew me.

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