Saturday, December 21, 2013

FRI, DEC. 20 & SAT., DEC. 21, 2013

Sometimes, Mom draws in my sketchbook. This is a portrait of me done last August.

December 20, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 4:30 PM. I paid for the Christmas dinner, 5:30 PM, 6 guests. Mom was in the Big TV room, glasses on, teeth in, no sweater. The birdfeeders were full but the blinds were closed. We opened the blinds and a C.N.A. brought Mom’s tray. Mom ate about 1/3 of the Frito pie, all the tomatoes and half the cake. I saw that Carl had signed in earlier today and noted that Mom had a banana. We channel surfed and I cleaned her fingernails. I noticed that Mom’s dirty clothes were gone so I spoke to Nurse John at the nurse station and the C.N.A. plus I used a marker to mark her hamper “FAMILY DOES LAUNDRY”. I’ll have to make a sign also. We played patty-cake and I called for assistance to put Mom to bed. A C.N.A. came and said that a different one would come later and help me so I put Mom to bed. I cleaned her teeth but forgot the O2. I left about 6:30 PM. 
December 21, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. The bird feeders were full and the blinds open. Mom was in the big TV room. She didn’t recognize me at first until I started talking and called her Mom. We went to her room where her tray was waiting. Mom had new flowers from Carl and Carl had noted that Mom had a banana today. Mom ate pretty well; almost all of her carrots, a good portion of her rice, all of her pudding plus the nutrition drink they brought. Once again she seemed to get bored of eating so we clapped hands, did stretches, sang songs and she would go back to eating. I cleaned her teeth and gave Mom a chocolate. Yvonne came and asked how we were doing.  We talked about the disappearing laundry. Yvonne said look in her closet and it was there, hung up on hangers. I posted a sign stating that “Family will do laundry” in 72 point type. Her bedspread is also missing. I described it to Yvonne and I hope that I wrote her name on it. Yvonne got Mom into bed and put her O2 on. She said that Mom slept this afternoon and that she had gotten up just before I came this afternoon. Mom and I did some personal care, channel surfed then I changed the DVD to Barclays of Broadway and left about 6:30 PM.

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