Wednesday, December 25, 2013

TUES., DEC. 24 & WED., DEC. 25, 2013 SINGING WORKS!

December 24, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 4:30 PM. I put feed in bird feeder, blinds open. I left cookies in Recreation and for Unit 2 and gave Steve a card for he and Yvonne. Mom was in her room, door closed, O2 on, cannula out of place, sitting in her wheelchair, glasses on, teeth in, watching Fred A., sound down. I turned off her O2 and accompanied her to the Great Room for cookies and milk shakes, with Christmas Carols on flute and piano duet. Then we returned to her room. I spoke to Nurse Steve and C.N.A. Adam about the danger of leaving Mom in her chair alone in her room. Adam said he didn’t know about that. Adam brought Mom’s tray; chicken & dumplings plus a roll, butter and fruit salad. Mom ate some, most of the broth, some bread and fruit but after the cookies and Milkshake, she didn’t have much appetite. We sang songs and clapped hands but Mom was contrary tonight. I assisted her to bed. We channel surfed some. I cleaned her teeth, gathered up the dirty clothes and left about 6:30 PM.
December 25, 2013, Wednesday. CHRISTMAS. Bill and I arrived at the NH about 5 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open. I took some clean clothes to Mom’s room. There is still no blanket on her bed, just the bedspread and lap blanket. Then we took the gifts and found Mom in the Great Room at a reserved table. Mom & I opened the gifts from Helen, lovely tasteful shirt tops. There were also chocolate covered macadamia nuts. I took a photo of Mom and tried to help her photograph me. Carl and Charlotte arrived and Bill went out to help put the painting from Brooks in their car and carry in stuff. Riley came and brought bags of gifts also. I told Nurse Steve and the dining room manager that Terri wasn’t going to be able to join us and could we please have a plate to go. We ended up with three plates to go?! All the excitement was distracting and Mom didn’t eat much except the pecan pie. She was getting fussy and contrary so we sang some songs. That worked beautifully. We sang some Christmas carols and sang Grace. Mom’s voice was clear and bright and right on key. She still has the best voice in the room. She was smiling and happy after that. Bill left with Riley then Carl and Charlotte left. Carl had a wonderful dancing toy with lights. In Mom’s room we channel surfed a little. I called for assistance and a C.N.A. came right away and we got Mom tucked into bed with O2 on and I cleaned her teeth and glasses. I hung up some clean clothes and Mom watched me carefully. I put the TV back on the Fred A. DVD and left about 6:40 PM.

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