Friday, December 27, 2013

THURS., DEC. 26 & FRI., DEC. 27, 2013

December 26, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was in the Great Room in her w/c, teeth in, glasses on. She was glad to see me. We went back to her room. Mom propelled herself part of the way. C.N.A. brought Mom’s tray. I made a wrap of the chopped turkey, Spanish rice, refried beans and flour tortilla. I added spicy ketchup and Mom ate about half of that. Then she ate over half of the strawberry shortcake. I gave her the new blouse from Helen and we hung that up. I put her into her nightgown and we hung up her shirt and sweater. I hung the pants on the w/c. and assisted Mom into bed. We channel surfed some. I cleaned her teeth, put the O2 on, cleaned her glasses and gave her a chocolate. I put the TV back on the DVD. Mom said that she had not seen this one before (It has been on for two days, now.) I gave the photograph of the resident who asked to have her picture taken the day before to the charge nurse as I do not know who she is. I left about 6:40 PM.
December 27, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 4:50 PM. I fed the birds, blinds partially open. Mom was in the big TV room exhibiting mannerisms of feeling cold. I put my scarf on her and we proceeded to her room. Her room was somewhat in disarray, with a dirty diaper on the other bedside table, no pad on Mom’s bed, the like. Mom’s TV was on channel 40 and the DVD player was off. We channel surfed some then I got her tray. She did not eat well tonight. She ate very little of the potatoes, beef, and peas but ate all of the lemon tart. Workmen had the door at the end of the hall open and the cold was leaking in. I brushed her hair, did some personal care and we went for a walk. We went to the Christmas tree in the Great Room, looked at the ornaments and sang a couple of songs. We returned to her room, played patty-cake and I assisted Mom into bed. She had leggings on that looked comfortable. I put the DVD back on and Mom said that she had not seen this movie before (three days now) and she wanted to see it. I cleaned her teeth & glasses, gave her a chocolate, put her O2 on and left about 6:40 PM.

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