Tuesday, December 17, 2013

MON., DEC. 16 & TUES., DEC. 17, 2013

December 16, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 4:50 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. I saw Nurse Steve and gave him the tin of choc oatmeal bars and left fudge for Unit 2 staff at the nurse desk. Mom was in the Great room, glasses on, teeth in. I accompanied Mom to her room and Yvonne brought her tray. Mom ate all of her green beans, most of her potatoes, some of her bread and none of the meat and gravy. She ate all of her banana pudding and some of a cookie then had a chocolate.  She seems to get tired of eating so tonight I got her to sing some songs with me, took breaks, sang and stretched then she would start eating again. I will try that strategy again. I also discovered that she does not remember many of the folk songs she taught me but knows Christmas Carols.  We hung up clothes and by the time we got to the last garments, she was starting to get problem, figure it out. I tried the new dress from Brooks on her upper body and it seems to fit well and looks good on her. We went for a walk and I left a note for the beautician to give Mom a wash and set.  Mom propelled herself most of the way there then I pushed her for the return trip due to traffic. In Mom’s room we channel surfed some while I got her dressed for bed. I called for assistance and Yvonne came and changed Mom and we got her into bed. Mom had a BM while being changed. Her wounds look to be healing well. I left about 6:50 PM. Mom was in a good humor and advocated for herself some.
December 17, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. The bird feeders were full, blinds open. Mom was in the Big TV room. I accompanied her back to her room. I heard from staff that Mom attended activities and enjoyed the children’s program. Mom was happy and cooperative tonight. She propelled herself most of the way to the room. Yvonne brought her tray then returned with salt & pepper. Mom ate well. She likes omelet, hash browns, biscuit and jelly and juice. She did not eat the fruit but ate most of a cookie with the fruit syrup. I showed her the card from Brooks and ttwo pair of socks from Brooks. We channel surfed, looked at some photographs then I helped her into bed. I called for help but no one came.  I took her photo book home to rearrange some photos, cleaned her teeth, put the O2 on, changed the DVD to Easter Parade and left about 6:30 PM. Carl came today, freshened the flowers and noted that Mom had half a banana.

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