Friday, August 30, 2013


August 29, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 10:40 AM. I fed the birds, blinds open. The bird feeders were turned around over the sidewalk. Mom was sitting up in bed ready, eager to “go”. I got her into her w/c, brushed her hair then we went to the Great Room and saw the end of the horse race game. Mom won a package of chips. We shared them and went back to her room and watched the birds for awhile.  The birds are on the sidewalk more, now. I spoke to Riley on the phone and he thinks he can do an even better fix, away from the eroded section.  We went for a walk to the front of the facility and I spoke to the Social Worker, Sam. We will have Mom’s Care Plan meeting next Wed. at 3:30 PM. We watched the cars and talked about the trees and reflections in the window. Then I accompanied Mom to the dining room for lunch. She wanted more chips so I got her another package from her bingo winnings in her room. I left her in the dining room about 11:40 AM. I talked to Nurse Diane about favorite mystery writers.
LATER: I returned to the NH about 6:15 pm. I fed the birds, blinds half open. Nurse told me that Mom had been wandering the hallways. Yvonne told me that she had headed back to her room and she was in her room looking out the window at the birds. I gave Mom a chocolate and Tina a caramel and Tina also reported Mom’s independence today. I saw no evidence of Bingo prizes so I don’t know if she attended or not. We channel surfed then I put the DVD on Carmen. Franca came in and we put Mom to bed. We watched the birds awhile and the opera and Riley is right. We need to move the birdfeeder. I left about 7 PM.
August 30, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 10 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was awake in bed with DVD off, O2 on but cannula out of place, no glasses. I fixed the DVD, turned it up, opened the blinds and turned off the O2. Mom was ready to get up. I gave her a chocolate and helped her get into her w/c. We watched the opera and the birds. The bird feeder fell then I accompanied her to the beauty parlor. While we waited, Mom drew my portrait, then it was her turn. I signed for the set then left. Mom was very alert this morning. I left about 10:30. I stopped and put the bird feeder back up but it did not feel stable and the center post was bent from the fall. I called Riley about it when I got home.
LATER: I went to the NH about 6:20 PM. Riley arrived right after I did. He worked on the birdfeeders in this awful heat and got them fixed beautifully. Mom was still at supper with Yvonne as feeder. Mom was not eating and was very contrary. She did not have her lower teeth in. I accompanied her back to her room where we hung up a few clean clothes. She did well. Riley was repairing the birdfeeders outside the windows. I called for assistance but Franca who had already stopped by was not available. I cleaned Mom’s teeth and got her into bed. Riley came inside and helped me position Mom on the bed. I put her O2 on and left shortly after Riley did about 7:15 PM. The birds were returning.

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