Thursday, August 29, 2013


August 27, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 10:30 AM. I fed the birds, blinds half open. Mom was asleep on her bed, O2 on, teeth in, glasses on. She woke up when I opened the blinds. I turned the sound up, cleaned her glasses, gave her a cookie and got her up and into her chair. We did some personal care then did some stretches. We went to the great room. Mom propelled herself much of the way. We sat at the window and watched the birds. Mom drank her coffee and I sketched. I gave the beautician, Margaret, a tiny painting and also gave one to Dalmaccio. I gave Nurse Diane some cookies. Nurse Todd asked me if Mom ever talked. I said yes but very little. Especially not today. Today Mom did not know who I am or remember much except that Claris was born in Missouri. That may be incorrect. We went for some walking about then I accompanied Mom to the dining room for lunch. I left about 11:45 AM.
 LATER: I went to the NH about 7:10 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was asleep in bed, snoring. Her O2 was on and in place, TV off, no glasses, no teeth. I gave Tina her sweat pants that I had washed in Mom’s laundry, hung up a couple of clean clothes for Mom, opened the blinds, got the DVD to operating. I left about 7:30 PM.
August 28, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 6 PM. I fed the birds, blinds half open. I got a lens wipe from Mom’s room, opened the blinds and noticed that Riley had signed Mom’s guest book about 2 PM. Tina said that Mom was sleeping when Riley visited. Mom was at supper and eating a cookie. It looked like she had eaten over half of her pureed food which is good for her. I saw her meal order and it said “regular soft”. I didn’t know she was getting pureed food. Yvonne was the Feeder today. She said that Mom gets puree sometimes, and sometimes “mechanical soft” (chopped up).  I accompanied Mom back to her room, watched the birds, turned up the sound on her DVD, WINGED MIGRATION. We looked at some old photos. She recognized her mother and said she knew who other were but couldn’t recall names (of her aunts Daisy & Dolly, my sister, Lucretia). I brushed her hair and took out her teeth, cleaned them. I gave Mom a chocolate and Tina a sugarless caramel. I pushed the call button and started getting Mom undressed when C.N.A. Franca came.  I assisted getting Mom into bed and changed. We watched the birds out the window and on The DVD for awhile and it dawned on me that if the birdfeeders were over the sidewalk that the erosion problem would be fixed. I left about 7 PM. At home I called Riley and talked to him about the feeders.
 I have called the Social Worker, Sam, and left a message twice about attending Mom’s Care Plan meeting next week.  I will try to catch her in person during business hours.

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