Sunday, August 4, 2013


August 3, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 11 AM, fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was on her bed watching TV, no O2, no teeth. I got her teeth, cleaned them and her glasses. After she put in her teeth I got her packages of bingo prize chips out and she chose Cheetos. I helped her eat the Cheetos while we channel surfed and watched the birds. I helped her into her wheelchair, brushed her hair, got her a sweater and we headed for the dining room. I spoke to Nurse Todd about Mom’s teeth and C.N.A. Eric joined conversation. In the dining room I got Mom a coffee then left about 11:50 AM. LATER: I went to the NH about 7:15 PM. I added a little birdseed, the vertical feeder was full and there were 5 parrots, there. The blinds were open. Mom was in the big TV room. She took her uppers out and couldn’t get them back in. With urging she got them back in. We went to her room. Carl visited today, signed in, about 2 PM, brought fresh flowers. I gave her a chocolate. We channel surfed a little and watched the birds. I took her teeth out and cleaned them and put them in the drawer. She wanted to return to the Big TV room so we went back there and I left about 7:40 PM.
August 4, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 11:20 AM. Blinds half open and the vertical feeder was about half full. I filled it the rest of the way and found Mom in the big TV room. She had her teeth in. We went to her room and I put the candy I brought in the drawer. I brushed her hair, we watched the birds and channel surfed. I changed the DVD and we played patty-cake. We went to the dining room for lunch. Mom was cold so I got her a hat from her room. Nurse Diane gave me a tiny tangerine which Mom & I shared. She spit out the fibrous part. I left about 11:50 AM. I returned to the NH about 7:15 PM to check on her teeth. I put some birdseed in the flat feeder, blinds open. There were 5 parrots besides the sparrows and doves. Mom was asleep in bed, glasses off, no teeth, O2 on. She awoke and we hung up a few clean clothes I brought from home. She was licking her lips so I gave her some water. She drank deeply. I left about 7:40 PM.

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