Friday, August 9, 2013


August 8, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 20:20 this morning. Riley was there putting water in the bird bath and had already fed the birds. Mom was in the Great Room with a cup of coffee waiting to get her nails done. I assisted her with her nails. She chose a glitter green color today. I accompanied her back to her room where I discovered the sound wasn’t working on her DVD player. We watched part of a silent movie and looked at the birds then I accompanied her to the dining room. I gave her the rest of her chips from last weeks Bingo and left about 11:15 AM. I returned about 1:30 PM and got the DVD player to test at home. Bill fixed it. The cable was attached incorrectly. I returned to the NH and attached the DVD player correctly and put on a Fred A. DVD. Mom awoke while I was there and she said she was fine. They have bingo this afternoon. I left about 2:20 PM.
August 9, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 10:45 AM. I fed the birds blinds closed. Mom was resting on her bed, teeth in, DVD on, sound down, O2 on. C.N.A. Florence came in to change Mom. We did some personal care and watched the birds.
 Mom’s sun print she made Wed. was posted on her wall. I got her dirty clothes together and then noticed that the box of 13 gallon trash bags is missing from her drawer. There were two left in the drawer. So I gathered up her dirty clothes and bagged them but forgot to bring them home. We went for a walk. I spoke to the hairstylist about getting Mom a wash and set and gave her a $5 “tip” esp. since I won’t be there. We went to the front of the facility. Mom got too close to the door and set off the alarm. We sat and watched the cars then went to the dining room. We played the piano a bit. Mom still holds her hands properly and plays the correct arpeggios. Then I accompanied her to her place at the table and left about Noon. I went back to NH about 7 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was asleep in bed, teeth still in, nighty all cockamamie and O2 machine gone. I woke Mom, got her teeth from her and gave her a chocolate. I gave Tina a candy, too. We watched the birds, parrots and all and I turned up the sound on her TV. I brushed her hair, cleaned her teeth, gave her a drink of water, straightened out her nightgown then went to Nurses station to inquire about the O2. The nurse on duty told me they were going to bring it back to her about 7:30. I got the dirty clothes and left about 7:20 PM. Mom was very quiet today.

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