Wednesday, August 21, 2013


August 20, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 11:30 AM (car trouble). I fed the birds, blinds open. There was a bag of birdseed in Mom’s room on her portable table. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on but cannula on the floor, glasses on, teeth in. I turned off the O2 and got Mom up, cleaned her glasses and put conditioner on her hair. We channel surfed a little bit, watched the birds then I took her to the dining room for lunch. I got Mom a coffee. I spoke to the beautician, head nurse Diane and C.N.A. Dalmaccio about taking Mom to the beauty shop after lunch for hair do.
LATER: I returned about 8:30 PM. I fed the birds, blinds partially open. Mom was asleep on her bed, O2 on, glasses off and teeth still in. I got her to very sleepily give me her teeth. I cleaned them and put them in the container on her bedside table. I gave Tina a sugarless candy but Mom really didn’t wake up. Her hair looked great! A permanent!!! Tina said Mom had been laughing. The Nurse told me that Mom had a great day today! I left about 8:50 PM. 
August 21, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 11 AM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was resting on her bed, teeth in, glasses on, O2 on, sound down on DVD. We got Mom got up, did some personal care and hung up the clean clothes I brought. Mom did some problem solving but with difficulty. We watched the birds and channel surfed a bit then went back to the DVD. We headed towards the dining room. We stopped in the hallway and I had Mom stand and look at herself in the mirror with her beautiful hairdo (permanent). Mom & I got Mom a coffee in dining room I plus one for Mary. It was awkward carrying two coffees but we made it. I left Mom at her place for lunch about 11:45 AM.
LATER: I went to the NH about 7:10 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the big TV room with other residents. I took her picture, then we went to her room. I opened the blinds and we watched the birds. I gave Tina a candy and a chocolate for Mom. Tina asked about the black pants and I said yes, they weren’t Mom’s. I thought maybe they were hers. We channel surfed some then I got her teeth and cleaned them. C.N.A. Anabel said she would come in a minute to put Mom to bed. I started helping Mom change when Anabel came with a trainee. They spoke mostly in Spanish. After they left, I said goodnight to Tina and Mom and left about 7:50 PM.

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