Monday, July 1, 2013


June 30, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 11:40 AM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was resting on her bed, no O2, no glasses. She saw the birds attacking the seed. She said she wanted to get up but she was sopping wet. I called for help and started to change her. A C.N.A. came and changed Mom. We got her up. I accompanied Mom to the dining room for lunch at about 12:10 PM. We did a little doodling in my sketch book while we waited for lunch.  The med nurse gave her meds and a Boost dietary supplement. Mom was served and refused to eat. I tasted her food and it was good to okay. She was very contrary and insistent that she did not want to eat. Dalmaccio was the feeder at our table. He was patronizing to Mom.  I threatened to leave and she said "Fine". I left and went to the farmers market and brought back a fresh peach. I got back to the NH about 1:10 PM. One of the C.N.A.s told me that Mom had eaten her breakfast but did not eat her lunch. I went to her room and peeled, cut up and fed her the peach. She ate it all. Riley came by and fed the birds again and visited. Mom was so glad to see him. I left Mom resting and watching her DVD about 1:30 PM.
July 1, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 9:30 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed.  Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on, no glasses, sound down on DVD, no pad under her. I started to get her up and noted that she was very wet. Nurse Audra came in to give meds and she changed Mom with my assistance. I got Mom up and we did some personal care. I changed the DVD to another Fred A. DVD and we watched the birds. I accompanied Mom to dining room II and got her a coffee which she drank rapidly. I did portraits sketches of 2 residents, Gwen (who is also a volunteer) and of Dave. Mom participated in a word game with Annie about the Declaration of Independence. I accompanied Mom back to her room before the game was finished and assisted her into bed. I left the NH about 11:10 AM.

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