Friday, July 5, 2013


July 4, 2013, Thursday. HAPPY FOURTH! I went to the NH about 3:30 PM. Mom was in the Great Room getting ready for festivities. I took her clean clothes to her room. They were handing out cookies and lemonade and photocopied words for Patriotic Songs. We sang songs. Isabella, another resident, also gave Mom Pringles, which Mom ate easily with no teeth. Mom sang weakly but we clapped and waved our hands. Then we rang bells for the 13 Colonies, part of a National campaign. I accompanied Mom back to her room, changed the DVD, did some personal care, and watched the birds. While we hung up clothes I asked Mom which she liked better and she said that they were the same color. One was turquoise and one was orange. So I got other clothes and asked her about color comparisons. Today she seemed color blind? I accompanied Mom to the dining room for supper. I spoke to Nurse Steve about Mom’s apparent color blindness. He had no information about this. I got Mom a coffee and left her in the dining room, brakes on, about 5 PM.
July 5, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 11 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in her w/c in her room, watching TV, no glasses, no O2, no sound on DVD. I opened the blinds and we watched the birds. We did some personal care and I turned up the sound on the TV. We hung up the clean clothes I brought. Too many clothes so some went in the drawer. I made a point of asking Mom about colors. She sees the red roses just fine and the bright yellow mums.  Some subtle shades she identifies as brown and she is not seeing blue as indicated in the online research I did about elderly losing color vision. She says that the parrots are brown but sees the green of the trees. Might this contribute to her preference for the black and white films besides just the connection to her past? We went for a walk and sat outside, out front, and looked at the trees, plants and cars. I don’t think she sees blue sky but she does see the green plants and red cars. I accompanied Mom to the dining room for lunch and got her a coffee. I left about Noon.

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