Tuesday, July 23, 2013


July 20, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 1 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was waiting by the Nurses station in a line with other residents, apparently waiting her turn after lunch to be transported to her room. She was happy to see me. I took Mom to her room and assisted her getting into bed. I gave her two chocolates and changed the DVD to Parrots. We watched the birds out the window and Mom said she was tired and ready to rest. I left about 1:30 PM. Later about 2:30 PM I spoke to Carl on the phone and he was at the NH visiting Mom. He said he cleaned up the flowers.
July 21, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 3:15 PM. I fed the birds, half of the blinds were open. I didn’t have enough birdseed to fill the feeder. Mom was not in her room but the O2 machine was running and her glasses were on her dressing table so I got those and a chocolate. I found her in the Great Room in the Methodist Service. She ate the chocolate and was glad to have the chocolate. We sang songs and said some prayers and Mom took communion today! She was waving her hands with the music and rather enthusiastic for the sedate service but we had fun. We returned to her room. Tina was sleeping in bed, not well today. We watched the birds and I gave her a banana. We did some personal care and I left her watching a different DVD (Easter Parade), O2 on, in her wheelchair, eating the banana, wheels locked about 5 PM. I noticed the birds eating the extra communion wafers on the ground out back. Bill added birdseed on his way home from Carl’s.
July 22, 2013, Monday. Volunteer day. I went to the NH about 9:45 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. The vertical feeder was still about ¾ full. Mom was in bed, no glasses, sound up on the DVD, O2 machine on but the plastic tubing was not attached to the machine nor to Mom. I got Mom up. We did some personal care and I gave her a chocolate. We went to the Great Room and I got her a coffee and put her where she could see the birds at the feeder. The volunteer for the Sing-a-long did not show so Annie conducted the sing-a-long. I sketched two Residents, Orie and Maxine. Maxine’s daughter was there, too. Mom & I sang a long, too. We returned to her room and I got assistance to hook up the O2. I left Mom in her w/c watching the DVD, having a chocolate, watching the birds in her room about 11:20 AM.
July 23, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 10:50 AM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was resting on her bed, no O2, glasses on, DVD on, sound up. I called for help but none came so I changed Mom and got her up. We did some personal care, watched the birds and hung up some clothes. We played patty-cake and channel surfed. I changed the channel back to the DVD then accompanied Mom to the dining room for lunch. She propelled herself over half the way. I got her a coffee. Mom showed no anxiety at my leaving and was cheerful today. I left about 11:40 AM.

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