Sunday, July 7, 2013


This really doesn't look like Mom but she wasn't holding still for me.

July 6, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 10:30 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the Great Room at the Fellowship of the Breath of Life Church. This involved flag waving, emotional preaching and lovely a cappella singing.  One lady has a fierce voice. Mom & I returned to her room and I got her a scarf and sweater. She ate a small piece of peach mincemeat pie I brought from home. I changed the DVD to Fred Astaire/Gracy Allen movie and we watched the birds. Three parrots were there today with the white wing doves, sparrows, and rock doves. One appears to be a juvenile.  I noted the freshened flowers and Carl signed in last night about 7 PM. Riley had visited about 8 PM the night before. Nurse Audra came by and checked mom’s skin tear which looks good. Mom was somewhat contrary today but ate all her pie despite saying that she did not want it between bites. I accompanied Mom to the dining room for lunch. I left about Noon.
July 7, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 3:30 PM. I fed the birds blinds closed.  Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on, glasses on, DVD playing, sound down. Nurse Audra was with Tina with curtains drawn. I opened the blinds and Mom said that she did Not want to get up. I brought dried boughs of bay leaf to harvest the leaves with Mom. She stayed on her bed and we broke the leaves off and put them in the paper bag. At first Mom was very awkward and slow but soon was going at it systematically and quickly. The C.N.A. came in to change Mom and we gave her some bay leaf. I assisted the C.N.A. and we got Mom into her chair. I brushed Mom’s hair then accompanied Mom to the Great Room to hear Mr. Hudspeth play the piano.  I got Mom a coffee and sketched Mom while we listened. Mr. Hudspeth is hard to understand when he talks but he plays beautifully. We returned to Mom’s room, channel surfed and sorted the bay leaf some more. I accompanied Mom on a walk around the facility. She propelled herself about half the time. Then I took her to her place for supper. I left the boughs of bay leaf and the bay leaf we had harvested with Tara in Recreation. I left the facility about 5 PM.

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