Saturday, January 18, 2014

FRI., JAN. 17 & SAT., JAN. 18, 2014

January 17, 2014, Friday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. I saw Sam the Social Worker and she said that Mom is going to get a roommate next Thursday, Jan. 28th. Tara was bringing Mom down from the Great Room with her new hat that she made plus there was another hand crafted hat from paper and bric-a-brac in her room. We went to her room where her tray was waiting for us. Mom didn’t eat well but she did eat some of the baked ziti, all of the tomatoes from the salad, half of her ginger cake, a couple bites of bread and a cookie. Mom was coughing throughout. We channel surfed then went to see Nurse Steve about Mom’s cough.  Steve brought a breathing treatment to Mom’s room and we watched TV while the treatment ran then I took it off and we hung up some clean clothes. I assisted Mom to bed, cleaned her teeth, her glasses and changed her. I put the TV back on the DVD and put her O2 on. I left about 7 PM.
January 18, 2014, Saturday. Carl called from the NH to say that Mom’s O2 machine was broken and he couldn’t get the DVD to play. I told him how to get the DVD to play and it worked but it does sound like the O2 machine is not operating. He informed the staff of the problem. I went to the NH about 5 PM. The feeder was full. I met Mom at her door as she was wheeling herself out of her room, dressed in her nightgown with a sweater. Roxanne came in behind me with set up to clean Mom’s hands and nails because Roxanne had found her without her diaper on in her bed playing with her feces. She had stripped the bed and got Mom cleaned up somewhat, changed. Roxanne cleaned her nails and hands thoroughly, and discarded the equipment thereafter. I put on a pair of leggings I brought and they fit well so I will decorate and label the other three pair and bring them in. Mom was still coughing. She did not eat well tonight but she did eat the pudding and the cookie after some clapping and singing and persuading. Mom said she was tired and wanted to go to bed. I cleaned her teeth and glasses and helped her into bed. We channel surfed and I checked the O2. It was set up to by pass the water bottle so I found Nurse John and he explained that the bottle cap was not working properly but at least now she is getting O2 dry, not humidified. I gave Mom a mint, got the dirty laundry and left about 6:45 PM.  

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