Sunday, September 15, 2013


The birds were causing some serious erosion by the fence.
We moved the feeders to the other side of the sidewalk and put down erosion mat plus grass seed and I think it is going to be all right!

September 14, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 5 PM. I fed the birds, watered the grass, washed off the sidewalk, blinds closed. The tall feeder was full and there was still some seed in the flat feeder. When I went inside I saw in the sign-in book that Carl had visited but no new flowers. Tina told me she saw him today, briefly. Anabell was feeding Mom in her room when I arrived. I took over. Mom ate about half her food with much cajoling and bribery. Also lots of ketchup. We watched the birds and channel surfed then I helped Mom into bed. I cleaned her teeth, her glasses and gave a chocolate to Mom and sugarless candy to Tina. I left TV on the DVD of Fred & Ginger, Follow the Fleet. Mom is more child like today in her responses and attention. 
September 15, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 10:45 AM. I fed the birds, blinds close. We had ½ inch of rain last night so I did not water the grass but took photographs. I brought the birthday gifts from Helen. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on, teeth in, no glasses, sound down on TV. I opened the blinds and gave her the gifts. Mom was very excited about the cookies and enjoyed unwrapping the dress and opening the card. She liked the birds on the card. She and I each had a cookie and I put the conditioner on her hair. Later I read instructions that this is for WET hair. Next Time.  We channel surfed then C.N.A. Melody came and changed Mom, got her into different clothes and into her wheelchair. Dr. White came by and said Dr. Quinn is not in today and she doesn’t know it will herself or Dr. Quinn who will be the consult for therapy (me). I changed the DVD to the Opera then accompanied Mom to the dining room for lunch. I got her a coffee then left with Mom’s new things to label and bring back tonight. I left two cookies there and brought the others home to freeze for future use.  LATER: I went to the NH about 5:25 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed, washed off the sidewalk and watered the grass. I found Mom’s tray in the serving cart on the hallway and C.N.A. Franca went to the dining room to get Mom. I opened the blinds and turned off the TV. Tina was in bed, as usual watching Animal Planet. Mom ate pretty well tonight, more than half of ground up fried chicken and gravy, soup, bread & butter and tangerines. We saw 8 parrots tonight. I gave her one of the cookies from Helen and a chocolate and a candy for Tina. I called for assistance, turned on the opera, cleaned Mom’s teeth and glasses. I got out Mom’s new dress and hair conditioner and put them away. Yvonne came and assisted getting Mom into bed. I left about 7 PM.

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