Saturday, September 21, 2013

FRI., SEPT. 20 & SATURDAY, SEPT. 21, 2013

September 20, 2013, Friday. I went to the nursing home about 4:45 PM. It was raining so I fed the birds then went inside. Annie was just bringing Mom into the big TV room when I arrived, no glasses. Annie said Mom had a very active day today participating in exercise this morning and the party this afternoon. She also looked nice with evidence of her beauty parlor wash and set today. I took Mom to her room, got her glasses and started putting everything in order to eat when Anabel arrived with the trays. It was cool in her room today so I got her one of the lap blankets. Mom was in very good humor, communicated well and fed herself some. She ate over half her food rather quickly. I gave her one of Helen’s cookies to eat with her fruit cocktail which was good today. I cleaned her glasses, her teeth, we watched the birds and channel surfed some then hung up some clean clothes I brought. I got her changed into a nightgown and assisted her to bed. We watched the end of the Winged Migration DVD then she said she wanted to see something else. I put on Singing in the Rain then left about 6:30.
September 21, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 5 PM, blinds closed. I fed the birds, washed off the sidewalk and watered the grass. Mom’s food was in her room and she was in the dining room. I got Mom and accompanied her to her room. She complained vehemently about being tired and staff told me that she had been very active today. There was a Boost container in her trash and I saw that Riley had signed in and visited today. Tina also reported seeing him today and said the residents had each had an ice cream sandwich at the banjo concert today. Mom ate very little tonight but only wanted to go to bed. She enjoyed Helen’s cookie and complimented it. She refused the chocolate. I gave Tina a sugarless candy. Tina and Mom reported that there is a male resident who has been “inappropriate”. I asked Nurse LINDA about it and she described what she knew of the behavior and said she thinks it is Mr. Thomas. I put Mom to bed, cleaned her glasses and her teeth then left about 6:30 PM.

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