Thursday, September 5, 2013


September 4, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 3 PM. I fed the birds, watered the grass seed, hosed off the sidewalk underneath the feeders, blinds open. Mom was resting on her bed, no clothes, TV off, no glasses, teeth in, O2 on but cannula out of place. I turned off the O2, turned on the TV, got Mom some clothes and called for assistance. I got Mom up and into her chair then the C.N.A. came. We did some personal care and I accompanied her to the Great Room for watercolor painting with volunteer, Pat. I left Mom there and went to the Care Plan Meeting. 1.We discussed her continued weight loss; 2. Mucinex and melatonin (medications); and 3. the specific orders for the O2. She IS supposed to have O2 anytime she is laying down, esp. at night. I said that I could feed Mom in her room at suppertime from now until January with my new schedule, starting tomorrow.  I returned to the Great Room and Mom had completed a watercolor. I took her over to the crafts table and she painted a small birdhouse blue. I accompanied Mom back to her room. After getting her dirty clothes and her watercolor we went to the big TV room and I left Mom there about 5:15 PM. I returned to the NH about 7:30 PM. There was birdseed in the feeders and the grass seed was wet, blinds closed. Mom was in bed, no O2, no glasses, sound down on DVD, teeth in. Riley had signed in and out just before so I barely missed seeing him. I opened the blinds, cleaned her glasses, her teeth, put the O2 on and gave Mom and Tina candy. I turned up the DVD and left about 7:30 PM.
September 5, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 5 PM. Blinds, half open, I fed the birds, washed down the sidewalk and watered the grass seed. Mom was in the dining room at her place so I escorted her back to her room after talking with the  dining room C.N.A.s and  Anabel about feeding Mom in her room. I opened the blinds and we hung up the clean clothes I brought. Mom did fairly well at problem solving. Anabel brought her tray which was very hot. I turned off the TV and closed the curtain between Mom and Tina and assisted Mom in eating. She ate all of her vegetables, a couple of bites of the spaghetti, and most of her cookies, drank about half of her juice. Then I opened the curtain, called for assistance, gave Tina and Mom candy. I cleaned Mom’s teeth and glasses, got her nightgown and we started getting ready for bed. Charge Nurse came by with Tina’s meds and saw the parrots. I got Mom into bed and almost changed when Anabel came and finished up. I left Mom with O2 on, glasses on, teeth out, DVD playing and blinds open about 7:30 PM. I asked the charge nurse how much warning they need if I am not going to be able to come and feed Mom. We will try this for awhile.

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