Friday, August 30, 2013


August 29, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 10:40 AM. I fed the birds, blinds open. The bird feeders were turned around over the sidewalk. Mom was sitting up in bed ready, eager to “go”. I got her into her w/c, brushed her hair then we went to the Great Room and saw the end of the horse race game. Mom won a package of chips. We shared them and went back to her room and watched the birds for awhile.  The birds are on the sidewalk more, now. I spoke to Riley on the phone and he thinks he can do an even better fix, away from the eroded section.  We went for a walk to the front of the facility and I spoke to the Social Worker, Sam. We will have Mom’s Care Plan meeting next Wed. at 3:30 PM. We watched the cars and talked about the trees and reflections in the window. Then I accompanied Mom to the dining room for lunch. She wanted more chips so I got her another package from her bingo winnings in her room. I left her in the dining room about 11:40 AM. I talked to Nurse Diane about favorite mystery writers.
LATER: I returned to the NH about 6:15 pm. I fed the birds, blinds half open. Nurse told me that Mom had been wandering the hallways. Yvonne told me that she had headed back to her room and she was in her room looking out the window at the birds. I gave Mom a chocolate and Tina a caramel and Tina also reported Mom’s independence today. I saw no evidence of Bingo prizes so I don’t know if she attended or not. We channel surfed then I put the DVD on Carmen. Franca came in and we put Mom to bed. We watched the birds awhile and the opera and Riley is right. We need to move the birdfeeder. I left about 7 PM.
August 30, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 10 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was awake in bed with DVD off, O2 on but cannula out of place, no glasses. I fixed the DVD, turned it up, opened the blinds and turned off the O2. Mom was ready to get up. I gave her a chocolate and helped her get into her w/c. We watched the opera and the birds. The bird feeder fell then I accompanied her to the beauty parlor. While we waited, Mom drew my portrait, then it was her turn. I signed for the set then left. Mom was very alert this morning. I left about 10:30. I stopped and put the bird feeder back up but it did not feel stable and the center post was bent from the fall. I called Riley about it when I got home.
LATER: I went to the NH about 6:20 PM. Riley arrived right after I did. He worked on the birdfeeders in this awful heat and got them fixed beautifully. Mom was still at supper with Yvonne as feeder. Mom was not eating and was very contrary. She did not have her lower teeth in. I accompanied her back to her room where we hung up a few clean clothes. She did well. Riley was repairing the birdfeeders outside the windows. I called for assistance but Franca who had already stopped by was not available. I cleaned Mom’s teeth and got her into bed. Riley came inside and helped me position Mom on the bed. I put her O2 on and left shortly after Riley did about 7:15 PM. The birds were returning.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


August 27, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 10:30 AM. I fed the birds, blinds half open. Mom was asleep on her bed, O2 on, teeth in, glasses on. She woke up when I opened the blinds. I turned the sound up, cleaned her glasses, gave her a cookie and got her up and into her chair. We did some personal care then did some stretches. We went to the great room. Mom propelled herself much of the way. We sat at the window and watched the birds. Mom drank her coffee and I sketched. I gave the beautician, Margaret, a tiny painting and also gave one to Dalmaccio. I gave Nurse Diane some cookies. Nurse Todd asked me if Mom ever talked. I said yes but very little. Especially not today. Today Mom did not know who I am or remember much except that Claris was born in Missouri. That may be incorrect. We went for some walking about then I accompanied Mom to the dining room for lunch. I left about 11:45 AM.
 LATER: I went to the NH about 7:10 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was asleep in bed, snoring. Her O2 was on and in place, TV off, no glasses, no teeth. I gave Tina her sweat pants that I had washed in Mom’s laundry, hung up a couple of clean clothes for Mom, opened the blinds, got the DVD to operating. I left about 7:30 PM.
August 28, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 6 PM. I fed the birds, blinds half open. I got a lens wipe from Mom’s room, opened the blinds and noticed that Riley had signed Mom’s guest book about 2 PM. Tina said that Mom was sleeping when Riley visited. Mom was at supper and eating a cookie. It looked like she had eaten over half of her pureed food which is good for her. I saw her meal order and it said “regular soft”. I didn’t know she was getting pureed food. Yvonne was the Feeder today. She said that Mom gets puree sometimes, and sometimes “mechanical soft” (chopped up).  I accompanied Mom back to her room, watched the birds, turned up the sound on her DVD, WINGED MIGRATION. We looked at some old photos. She recognized her mother and said she knew who other were but couldn’t recall names (of her aunts Daisy & Dolly, my sister, Lucretia). I brushed her hair and took out her teeth, cleaned them. I gave Mom a chocolate and Tina a sugarless caramel. I pushed the call button and started getting Mom undressed when C.N.A. Franca came.  I assisted getting Mom into bed and changed. We watched the birds out the window and on The DVD for awhile and it dawned on me that if the birdfeeders were over the sidewalk that the erosion problem would be fixed. I left about 7 PM. At home I called Riley and talked to him about the feeders.
 I have called the Social Worker, Sam, and left a message twice about attending Mom’s Care Plan meeting next week.  I will try to catch her in person during business hours.

Monday, August 26, 2013


August 24, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 10:45 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on but the cannula not on her, glasses on, teeth in. I helped Mom get up, I gave her a chocolate and we did some personal care. I was getting hangers from her closet to hang up her clean clothes when a lady called out “Laundry!”, came in and put one of Mom’s dresses in her closet, her best one!?! That was enlightening. Mom and I hung up her clean clothes that I had brought. Mom got the hang of it before we finished (sic). Tina spotted Riley coming. He put some more seed in the feeder then came in the long way around, signing in at the front which I don’t do often. We chatted then Riley left. As I accompanied Mom to the dining room, we saw Tara and I gave her some magazines. I gave Mom one of her packets of chips from her Bingo winnings.  She propelled herself 9/10 of the way. I left about 11:45 AM.
 LATER: I returned to the NH about 8 PM. I went in the front door and signed in for a change. Mom was asleep on her bed, cannula out of place but O2 on, blinds half open. Mom awoke when I came in. I noted in her sign in book that Carl and Riley had visited her today, also. I changed the DVD to Carmen, the opera. I got Mom’s teeth and gave her a chocolate and Tina a caramel. I cleaned Mom’s teeth, brushed her hair and we channel surfed a little and I put the cannula back in place. I left about 8:30 PM.
August 25, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 11 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was nodding out in her w/c in the big TV room. We went to her room opened the blinds and watched the birds. I changed the DVD and we channel surfed. I gave Mom a chocolate and Tina a caramel. I brushed her hair, cleaned her hands, gave her some hand cream and we colored. Mom had difficulty with this task and with basic decision making today. I accompanied Mom to the dining room for lunch. She propelled herself most of the way. I left about Noon.
August 26, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 7:10 PM, fed the birds, blinds half open. Mom had just gone to bed, no glasses, teeth in, O2 on. The TV was stuck. TCM was not working. Several channels were frozen, or flickering. I changed to a new DVD, Winged Migration plus opened the blinds and Mom watched the birds. We hung up a few clean clothes I brought. I cleaned her glasses and her teeth. I gave Mom a chocolate, and Tina a caramel. I left about 7:40 PM. The TV was stuck in the big TV room and Tammy, a resident asked me to change the channel. I found a movie that they said was okay.

Friday, August 23, 2013


August 22, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 3 PM. I fed the birds, blinds half open. Mom was in the Great Room waiting for Bingo! I got her a scarf and cleaned her glasses. We played a couple of games. Mom got 2 Bingos, I got one and Emma (a resident at our table) got two, also. They were still playing when I left at 4 PM. I gifted the Nurses, Diane and her assistant ATCs.
LATER: I returned to the NH about 7 PM. I fed the birds, blinds half open. Mom was in the big TV room. She didn’t want to go anywhere, she said, but we went to her room and watched the birds. I channel surfed then changed the DVD. I put Mom’s 2 bags of chips and some Oreos from the Bingo this afternoon in the bottom drawer. She ate an Oreo. C.N.A. Franca was speaking in a beautiful Nigerian dialect to another nurse. Then she came and got Mom changed and into bed, put her O2 on. I cleaned Mom’s teeth. Tina told me about a visitor Mom had while Mom was napping, today or yesterday.  Mom fell asleep and I left about 7:45 PM.
August 23, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 2:40 PM and there was no place to park! There were trainees, or classes, from UT all over the place. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was awake on her bed, glasses on, teeth in, sound down on DVD and she had taken the O2 cannula off. I put it back on her, cleaned her hands, gave her a chocolate and changed the channel to PBS. She said she did not want to get up. I cleaned her glasses, she watched the birds and the TV while I sketched her. She looked very nice today. Then I wiped her face, brushed her hair, helped her into her w/c and accompanied her to the Great Room. She propelled herself ¾ of the way. They were preparing for a Black & White Cow (Root Beer Float) celebration with accompanying music. The entertainer, Tennessee Jeanne, handed out mariachis. Mom got one much to her delight. Annie came by, we talked about birdseed prices, and I gave her an ATC and then left before they really got started about 3:30PM.
LATER: I went back to the NH about 8:30 PM. I put birdseed in the feeders, blinds open. Mom was asleep on her bed but when I came in she woke up. I gave her a chocolate, put her O2 on and got her teeth and cleaned them. I sat with her until she went to sleep again then left about 9 PM.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


August 20, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 11:30 AM (car trouble). I fed the birds, blinds open. There was a bag of birdseed in Mom’s room on her portable table. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on but cannula on the floor, glasses on, teeth in. I turned off the O2 and got Mom up, cleaned her glasses and put conditioner on her hair. We channel surfed a little bit, watched the birds then I took her to the dining room for lunch. I got Mom a coffee. I spoke to the beautician, head nurse Diane and C.N.A. Dalmaccio about taking Mom to the beauty shop after lunch for hair do.
LATER: I returned about 8:30 PM. I fed the birds, blinds partially open. Mom was asleep on her bed, O2 on, glasses off and teeth still in. I got her to very sleepily give me her teeth. I cleaned them and put them in the container on her bedside table. I gave Tina a sugarless candy but Mom really didn’t wake up. Her hair looked great! A permanent!!! Tina said Mom had been laughing. The Nurse told me that Mom had a great day today! I left about 8:50 PM. 
August 21, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 11 AM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was resting on her bed, teeth in, glasses on, O2 on, sound down on DVD. We got Mom got up, did some personal care and hung up the clean clothes I brought. Mom did some problem solving but with difficulty. We watched the birds and channel surfed a bit then went back to the DVD. We headed towards the dining room. We stopped in the hallway and I had Mom stand and look at herself in the mirror with her beautiful hairdo (permanent). Mom & I got Mom a coffee in dining room I plus one for Mary. It was awkward carrying two coffees but we made it. I left Mom at her place for lunch about 11:45 AM.
LATER: I went to the NH about 7:10 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the big TV room with other residents. I took her picture, then we went to her room. I opened the blinds and we watched the birds. I gave Tina a candy and a chocolate for Mom. Tina asked about the black pants and I said yes, they weren’t Mom’s. I thought maybe they were hers. We channel surfed some then I got her teeth and cleaned them. C.N.A. Anabel said she would come in a minute to put Mom to bed. I started helping Mom change when Anabel came with a trainee. They spoke mostly in Spanish. After they left, I said goodnight to Tina and Mom and left about 7:50 PM.

Monday, August 19, 2013


August 17, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 11:30 AM. The blinds were partially open when I fed the birds. Mom was in the big TV room. I accompanied her back to her room and we watched the birds and channel surfed. I turned up the sound, gave Mom a chocolate, cleaned her glasses, brushed her hair, wiped her face. Mom wanted to “go” so we went for a walk to the covered patio. She propelled herself most of the way. It was very warm but Mom liked it. We sat awhile and I sketched her hands. Then the lunch bell sang out and we went to the dining room. I got Mom a coffee and left her at her lunch place as the C.N.A. was giving her a Boost, vanilla. I left about 12 Noon.

LATER: Tonight the NH seemed short staffed. When I left at 7:45 there were still 5 or 6 residents in the big TV room waiting to go to bed. I arrived about 7 PM and Riley was in the parking lot. He fed the birds and I went in. Mom was in her w/c watching TV with the sound turned down. Tina was in bed. I gave Tina a caramel and Mom a chocolate. Riley came in and visited with Mom, noticing that Carl had visited, brought flowers. We talked about the party tomorrow and we watched the birds. Mom’s pillow had no pillowcase. The cart on her wing had no pillowcases but I found some on the other wing of Unit 2.   I cleaned Mom’s glasses and teeth and called for assistance to put Mom to bed after Riley left. No one came but Mom and I managed to get her changed and into bed. We channel surfed, watched the birds then I put the TV back on the DVD, sound up. I left about 7:45 PM.
August 18, 2013, Sunday. I arrived at NH with Bill assisting to carry all in for the birthday party. Bill put water in birdbath and I fed the birds. We found Mom in her w/c in the big TV room. We accompanied Mom to the dining room. She propelled herself most of the way. Bill started setting up while I got Mom a hat, beads, sweater and glasses cleaner. Mom started opening her gifts then Riley came with more gifts, a blanket. Then Terri, Carl and Charlotte arrived. We had cake and ice cream and Riley played wonderfully! And Mom opened more gifts; new hat, socks, blanket, paper bound together, crayons, bubbles, flowers, DVD. Then Kim arrived with hoops just as Carl and Charlotte were leaving and we were packing up. Riley played, Kim danced with hoops, Terri and I clapped along. I hooped a little. Bill helped pack up and we left Mom in the dining room with Kim about 4:55 PM.  Mom started out having difficulty problem solving today but smiled a lot. She improved in attentiveness as the party progressed.
LATER: I returned to the NH about 7:10 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was asleep in bed, O2 on, glasses off, teeth in, sound down on DVD. Mom woke up and took her teeth out then I cleaned them and left them in cleanser. I gave Mom a regular caramel and a sugarless one to Tina. We watched the birds. We channel surfed then I changed the DVD to Easter Parade. I left about 7:30 PM.
August 19, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 10 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. I left some chocolate cupcakes at the nurses station for Mom’s birthday. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on, glasses on, no teeth. I got her up and we got her teeth in. We looked at some of her gifts again, she ate a chocolate, watched the birds then we headed for the Great Room activity today. I sketched Gwen today then helped Mom play the spelling/word game with the other residents. We returned to her room. When Nurse informed me that we couldn’t leave the bubbles in Mom’s room for future use, I discovered the lock was missing from the overnight bag in Mom’s closet. I gathered up dirty clothes then accompanied Mom to dining room for lunch. I got Mom a coffee then left about 11:50 AM.
LATER: I went to the NH about 7:15. The birdfeeder was full, blinds open. Tina said Riley had been there. He put the O2 on Mom and Mom was sitting in her W/c watching DVD sound up. I brushed her hair, cleaned her hands. There was a card from Quembe, which we read and talked about. I gave Mom a chocolate, Tina a caramel and a C.N.A. came and we got Mom into bed and changed. I took out Mom’s teeth and cleaned them. We channel surfed a little then Mom dozed off. I left about 7:40 PM.

BIRTHDAY! 94, SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 2013 (a day early)

Friday, August 16, 2013


August 15, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 11 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the Great Room at a game of balloon Volleyball. Staff said that she did well. I accompanied her back to her room. We watched the birds and channel surfed. I gave Tina a caramel and Mom a chocolate, cleaned her hands, put some conditioner on her hair, brushed it, found her hat, wiped her face. Mom and I went for a walk to the covered patio and looked at the plants and the sky. Then I accompanied her to her dining room for lunch. I spoke to recreation staff about Mom’s party on Sunday then left about Noon.
LATER: I returned to the NH about 8:20 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was asleep in bed, O2 on, glasses off, sound down on DVD and teeth in. I got Mom’s teeth, cleaned them and put them by her bedside, closed the blinds and turned up the sound on the DVD. I left about 8:30 PM.
August 16, 2013, Friday.  At 10:35 this morning the blinds were partially open. I fed the birds then found Mom on her bed, watching TV with no sound. I got her up, gave her a chocolate and took her to the beauty parlor but they were swamped. The beautician said “after lunch” and that a permanent would take 1 ½ hours. Annie from Recreation gave Mom a name tag with her Hawaiian name, Kalelahina. This afternoon there will be a Hawaiian party with hula dancers. We went to the Great Room but we had missed the morning show. In the big TV room I figured out how to change the channels but there was no local news (channel 8) so then we went to the spinet and played the piano some. We looked at the birthday card from Brooks (again). I left Mom at her place with a cup of coffee about 11:45.
LATER: I returned to the NH about 7:30 PM. I put water in the birdbath and birdseed in the vertical feeder, some on the ground. Mom was sleeping, blinds open, DVD playing, teeth out, glasses off. I started hanging up clean clothes when Mom awoke and said “Oh! Look at all the birds!” I raised her bed, cleaned her glasses and we watched the birds and hung up the clothes. Mom did some problem solving and noted her environment. We looked a Brooks’s card (again) and looked at a photo of Brooks, Helen and Adam. She recognized Brooks. Tina said that Mom did not go to the party this afternoon. She did not get her hair done today. I left Mom in bed about 8 PM.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


August 13, 2013, Tuesday. Today is the Facility’s birthday party for August Birthdays! (Mom) I went to NH about 10:25. I fed the birds, the vertical feeder was almost full, blinds closed. Mom was asleep on her bed, O2 on, glasses on, teeth in, all dressed with a plastic glove on her right hand (?). I saw that Riley visited about 8 PM last night. I got Mom up and into her w/c. We watched the birds, cleaned her glasses then we went to the beauty parlor for wash and set. I left about 10:35 AM.
LATER: I went back to the NH about 3:10 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was already in the Great room. I got her some beads and fluffed up her hair.  Riley came in one of Mom’s handpainted T-Shirts. It was a fine party with 20 August birthdays to celebrate! There was cake and entertainment and special treatment for the birthday people and their families. Carl and Charlotte were arriving just as I left about 3:50 PM.
August 14, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 11 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was asleep on her bed, her teeth in her hands and the cannula from the O2 machine out of place, DVD, not working and sound down. I opened the blinds, jiggled the wire on the DVD and turned the sound up. Mom awoke and watched the birds and channel surfed. I cleaned her teeth & glasses. Mom didn’t want to get up. She ate half of the banana that Carl left for her yesterday and the flowers were freshened up with new flowers from Carl. I put the O2 on Mom, turned up the sound on the DVD (singing in the Rain) and raised Mom’s bed some. I gathered the dirty clothes and brought them home. I left about 11:30 AM.
LATER: I went to the NH about 7 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open. The C.N.A. was putting Mom to bed when I came in. He left and Mom and I did some personal care and I gave her a chocolate and Tina a caramel. Tina told me that the Hospice nurse visited and signed the book. I said that she was supposed to sign so I would know about her visits. We watched the birds and channel surfed. Mom was restless and took her cannula off twice and threw it down. I adjusted it and she had it on when I left. I got her teeth and glasses, cleaned them then went back to Singing in the Rain. We held hands today and did some leg lifts. Mom said she had not seen this movie today so I left that on. I gave her one a small stuffed animal and she took it today, caressed it. I left about 7:40 PM.


August 12, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 9:45 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was resting on top of her covers, O2 on, sound down on DVD, glasses on, teeth in place. We hung up the clean clothes I brought. She was inconsistant at decision making today but was in a good mood. I helped her into her w/c and we did some personal care, channel surfed then headed for the Great Room. They were having a sing-a-long with live accompaniment on an organ. Mom and I sang a long then I did portrait sketches of Charline and of Stan while Mom remained with the activity. I accompanied Mom back to the large TV room to await lunch. I left about 11:20 AM.
LATER: I went to the NH about 7 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was in bed watching DVD sound down, O2 on, no glasses, no teeth. I changed the channel to TCM and we watched Umbrellas of Cherbourg and the birds for a bit. I gave her half of a banana and she ate it slowly. She took off her cannula. I found the ear cushions and fit them on the tubing and she said that was better. I saw those foam ear guards in the drawer but no one had put them on the tubing. I left about 7:35 with Singing in the Rain DVD playing.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


August 10, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 10:40 AM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was in the Great Room with puzzles. We worked one with Farm animals and Tara got Mom a coffee. We returned to her room and hung up the clean clothes I brought. Mom was cheery but had difficulty with problem solving today. I gave Mom a couple of cookies and we channel surfed. We went into the big TV room and watched MSNBC on the big screen and Mom was reading the large headlines along the bottom of the screen. President Obama was speaking and Mom said she knew who he was. I left Mom in the TV room about 11:45 AM.
LATER: I returned to the NH about 7 PM. I fed the birds but the vertical feeder was full, blinds open. Mom was on her bed, teeth out but not washed, glasses off, O2 machine on and making a racket. Louder than usual. Carl visited today. I cleaned her teeth, we watched the birds and channel surfed. I gave Tina a caramel and Mom some chocolates. Tina said Mom did not eat tonight and talked about the O2 machine.??? I told the nurse that the O2 machine was too loud and she came and checked on it and the cannula was not hooked into the water vapor but Nurse did not notice the loudness as being different than usual. Yvonne said she thought the machine was a different machine? I sat with Mom awhile and the noise gave me a headache so I turned it off. I left about 7:30 and went and talked to the Nurse. She said she found a different machine and would have an O2 stat on Mom.
August 11, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 11AM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was asleep on her bed, teeth in, O2 on, glasses on, sound down on the DVD. I turned the sound up then rearranged the flowers and knick-knacks in the room. Mom awoke and I gave her a cookie and cleaned her glasses. The O2 machine was not as loud today. She watched the birds and the DVD and insisted she did not want to get up. She seemed very content. I left about 11:15 AM.
LATER: I returned about 7 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Someone had put cornbread in the flat feeder. Mom was lying on her bed, fully clothed except she had taken her diaper off. I opened the blinds, called for help and started to clean up Mom and change her to a nightgown. She had a BM. I got her wiped and into a new diaper when Yvonne came. We got Mom squared away and Yvonne left. I gave Mom a cookie, a caramel to Tina, we channel surfed and we did some personal care. I clipped Mom’s toenails, took her teeth out and put them in cleanser. Her toes were very sensitive. We watched the birds (6 parrots, tonight) and channel surfed. I put the TV back on the DVD and left about 7:50 PM.

Friday, August 9, 2013


August 8, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 20:20 this morning. Riley was there putting water in the bird bath and had already fed the birds. Mom was in the Great Room with a cup of coffee waiting to get her nails done. I assisted her with her nails. She chose a glitter green color today. I accompanied her back to her room where I discovered the sound wasn’t working on her DVD player. We watched part of a silent movie and looked at the birds then I accompanied her to the dining room. I gave her the rest of her chips from last weeks Bingo and left about 11:15 AM. I returned about 1:30 PM and got the DVD player to test at home. Bill fixed it. The cable was attached incorrectly. I returned to the NH and attached the DVD player correctly and put on a Fred A. DVD. Mom awoke while I was there and she said she was fine. They have bingo this afternoon. I left about 2:20 PM.
August 9, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 10:45 AM. I fed the birds blinds closed. Mom was resting on her bed, teeth in, DVD on, sound down, O2 on. C.N.A. Florence came in to change Mom. We did some personal care and watched the birds.
 Mom’s sun print she made Wed. was posted on her wall. I got her dirty clothes together and then noticed that the box of 13 gallon trash bags is missing from her drawer. There were two left in the drawer. So I gathered up her dirty clothes and bagged them but forgot to bring them home. We went for a walk. I spoke to the hairstylist about getting Mom a wash and set and gave her a $5 “tip” esp. since I won’t be there. We went to the front of the facility. Mom got too close to the door and set off the alarm. We sat and watched the cars then went to the dining room. We played the piano a bit. Mom still holds her hands properly and plays the correct arpeggios. Then I accompanied her to her place at the table and left about Noon. I went back to NH about 7 PM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was asleep in bed, teeth still in, nighty all cockamamie and O2 machine gone. I woke Mom, got her teeth from her and gave her a chocolate. I gave Tina a candy, too. We watched the birds, parrots and all and I turned up the sound on her TV. I brushed her hair, cleaned her teeth, gave her a drink of water, straightened out her nightgown then went to Nurses station to inquire about the O2. The nurse on duty told me they were going to bring it back to her about 7:30. I got the dirty clothes and left about 7:20 PM. Mom was very quiet today.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


LATER: I returned to the NH about 7 PM. I fed the birds a little. Mom was in her w/chair watching TCM. We channel surfed and watched the birds. We saw 7 parrots tonight. I gave Mom a chocolate and Tina a candy, too. I noticed the flowers freshened and Carl signed the book saying he had visited about 2 PM. Mom wanted to go to bed so I pressed the call button but no one came. I changed Mom, put her to bed, took out her teeth, cleaned them and tucked Mom in. I changed the DVD to Carmen, the opera. I left about 8 PM.


August 5, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 10 AM, fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was asleep on her bed with O2 on but the canola was out of place, not in her nostrils. No teeth in place. I washed her teeth, glasses, opened the blinds. I helped Mom into her w/c and we channel surfed then watched the birds some then headed for the Great Room. C.N.A. Anabel told me that Mom ate breakfast well and didn’t need her teeth for scrambled eggs and oatmeal. Mom joined the activity (exercise and trivia). I sketched Robert in his hat and Betty. After the activity, we returned to Mom’s room and I got her dirty clothes. Then I accompanied Mom to the large TV room and left about 11:20 AM. Mom was alert today. As I was leaving the physical plant manager and I spoke about parking and also about the erosion at the base of the birdfeeder, which is a concern. LATER: I returned about 7:15 PM. I added a bit of birdseed to the feeders, blinds closed. Mom was sitting in her w/c in her room watching TV. I offered some chips and she ate some then we put the rest in her drawer. We did some personal care and watched the birds then I took out her teeth and washed them and started getting her ready for bed. I called for help and C.N.A. Yvonne came promptly. Mom loves Yvonne. We got Mom into bed then Mom & I channel surfed some then put it back on Fred A. DVD. I gave Mom and Tina (sugarless for T.) candy. I added water to the O2 machine then left about 7:50 PM.
August 6, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 11:15 AM. No place to park! I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the Great Room as an activity was finishing up. I accompanied her back to her room and we watched the birds and hung up the clean clothes I brought. The Hospice nurse came by. Mom & I did some personal care, ate some chips and a chocolate. Mom was alert and friendly today. She told me she had not seen “this movie” before. Fred A. movie has been on for two days. I accompanied her to the dining room for lunch and I left about 12:10 PM.
August 7, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 11:15 AM. There was difficulty parking. I think Hospice is running some kind of classes? I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in her room trying to fold up her covers, no teeth, O2 on but canola out of place. I found her teeth in the drawer, damp, washed them and gave them to her. I started to get her up but she was very wet. C.N.A. Florence came to my call and tried to change Mom standing but Mom leaks constantly if standing, so we got her on the bed, then changed with clean socks, clean dress, a clean sweater. Florence said that Mom took her teeth out after breakfast. We did some personal care, watched the birds, channel surfed and I changed the DVD. Mom ate some of her Bingo prize chips. I accompanied Mom to dining room for lunch. I left about 12:10 PM.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


August 3, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 11 AM, fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was on her bed watching TV, no O2, no teeth. I got her teeth, cleaned them and her glasses. After she put in her teeth I got her packages of bingo prize chips out and she chose Cheetos. I helped her eat the Cheetos while we channel surfed and watched the birds. I helped her into her wheelchair, brushed her hair, got her a sweater and we headed for the dining room. I spoke to Nurse Todd about Mom’s teeth and C.N.A. Eric joined conversation. In the dining room I got Mom a coffee then left about 11:50 AM. LATER: I went to the NH about 7:15 PM. I added a little birdseed, the vertical feeder was full and there were 5 parrots, there. The blinds were open. Mom was in the big TV room. She took her uppers out and couldn’t get them back in. With urging she got them back in. We went to her room. Carl visited today, signed in, about 2 PM, brought fresh flowers. I gave her a chocolate. We channel surfed a little and watched the birds. I took her teeth out and cleaned them and put them in the drawer. She wanted to return to the Big TV room so we went back there and I left about 7:40 PM.
August 4, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 11:20 AM. Blinds half open and the vertical feeder was about half full. I filled it the rest of the way and found Mom in the big TV room. She had her teeth in. We went to her room and I put the candy I brought in the drawer. I brushed her hair, we watched the birds and channel surfed. I changed the DVD and we played patty-cake. We went to the dining room for lunch. Mom was cold so I got her a hat from her room. Nurse Diane gave me a tiny tangerine which Mom & I shared. She spit out the fibrous part. I left about 11:50 AM. I returned to the NH about 7:15 PM to check on her teeth. I put some birdseed in the flat feeder, blinds open. There were 5 parrots besides the sparrows and doves. Mom was asleep in bed, glasses off, no teeth, O2 on. She awoke and we hung up a few clean clothes I brought from home. She was licking her lips so I gave her some water. She drank deeply. I left about 7:40 PM.

Friday, August 2, 2013


August 1, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 10:40. I fed the birds, blinds half open. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on but canola on the ground, DVD playing, sound down. She said she wanted to get up. I helped her get up. We did some personal care, watched the birds and channel surfed. She identified Cape Fear as a famous movie she had seen before. We went for a walk then went to the piano and fooled around. Despite protestations Mom was pretty good at doing some little scales and arpeggio exercises. Both hands. We talked about her teeth. Dalmacio told me that he saw Mom throw her teeth, lowers, into the trash and he retrieved them. I got her some coffee from dining room II then left her at her place for lunch about 11:40 AM.
Carl wrote an email reporting visit to Mom about 2 PM. She refused a banana and tried to follow him out a door thus setting off alarms. I also got a note from Hospice Nurse Regina that she visited Geraldine yesterday.
August 2, 2013, Friday. My new plan is to go at eventide, tuck Mom in at night as much as I can. I went to the NH at about 7 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the big TV room with a few other residents. Her teeth container is missing from her glasses lanyard. I couldn’t find it in her room either although I did find the other two without the hole punched in it. I took her teeth and cleaned them. I put them in a container with cleanser, in the middle drawer of the bedside table. I called for help and got Mom one of her own nightgowns. I started putting it on her when the C.N.A. came. This C.N.A., a large woman with gold in her teeth, had high expectations of Mom, having her stand while she changed her.  It was difficult for Mom even with my assistance. I gave Tina and Mom a candy. Tina went for a bath. I brushed Mom’s hair. We watched the birds and 6 parrots came. We channel surfed and looked at some photographs. I left the TV on Singing in the Rain about 8 PM. I forgot to put her O2 on.

I called the Unit about 9 PM and asked them to please put  O2 on Mom and they said they did while I waited on the phone.