Sunday, March 17, 2013

MARCH 16 &17, 2013

March 16, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 11 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 machine on but the nostril attachment was out of place, TV on, sound down, no glasses. I found chocolate “coins” in her drawer and gave one to Mom. Later Tina told me that she had won those in a game and shared them with Mom, put them in her drawer. Nurse Audra came in and said that Mom has been very lucid and has had high O2 levels – 92 and 93. I discovered that I have been mixing up the names of Audra and Jenny. I have corrected them in the notes. I cleaned her glasses, turned up the sound on TV and we channel surfed some and watched the news. I got Mom into her wheelchair. We did some personal care. The birds came and we watched the birds. I put the TV back on Fred A. Mom said she wanted to watch that movie. We looked at photos some. Mom was alert. I accompanied her to dining room and left about Noon.
March 17, 2013, Sunday. Foxy & I went to the NH about 2:50 PM. I left Foxy in the car, fed the birds, blinds closed. I told the Nurse that I was taking Mom for a ride then went to her room. She was resting on her bed watching the DVD, sound down. I opened the blinds and Mom greeted me, no O2, glasses on. We hung up the clean clothes I brought and I changed the DVD. I gave Mom a chocolate and assisted her into her w/c. I signed Mom out and we went to the car. Mom propelled herself most of the way today. I assisted Mom into the car. She did well maneuvering today. I put the chair in the car and away we went with Foxy on Mom’s lap. We drove slowly through the neighborhoods. Mom missed some obvious highlights in the environment but was generally alert. We stopped at a convenience store and Mom read the signs to me (Lottery Texas, We appreciate you Business).We got a soft drink and meandered back to the NH. Traffic was very light so we could drive very slowly. Mom was somewhat reluctant to return but not argumentative. I asked if she wanted to go to the church service in progress but she did not want to go. We returned to her room and I assisted her back onto her bed. I left about 4:20 PM.

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