Friday, March 1, 2013

FEB. 27 & 28, 2013

FYI When Mom says that she wants to go with me, she means that she wants to go for a ride in the car. She LOVES to go for a ride in the car. When the weather is warmer, I will take her more often. Afterwards she is always tired and wants to go to her room/bed.
February 27, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 3 PM. I fed the birds blinds, closed. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on but nostrils askew, no glasses, teeth in. The sound was turned down on Fred A. DVD. I handed her the photo of her home in Weatherford and she identified it immediately as “the house in Oklahoma where I grew up.” C.N.A. Anabel was in the room when I entered, appeared to be resting on Tina’s bed, perhaps. She left immediately. I turned up sound, opened blinds. The birds came plus a squirrel came and did some acrobatics, Bluejay in the birdbath.  I’ve met the man who fills the birdbath. He brings water, uses a bucket to fill. He is slightly disapproving of birdfeeder as he thinks it might feed rats. I told him I have not seen any signs of rats or such. The hawk might be helping with that but also there is evidence of an owl in the area.  I noted the toilet was clogged and reported it to the nurses station (not overflowing). They came in about 15 minutes to plunge. We did some personal care and Mom assisted me putting clean clothes on hangers. Her problem solving skills and communication is better today than yesterday. She still benefited from some direction. When I started to assist her to get into her wheelchair, she leaked so I changed her in her bed. I am not as good at that as the C.N.A.s We went to the entertainment in dining room II. Mom propelled herself most of the way and petted the visiting pet therapy dog today, on the way. I got Mom some coffee. The music was very upbeat. “May the Circle be unbroken…” Bass fiddle and banjo, singing and clapping. Mom showed no distress when I said good-bye. I brought dirty clothes home to wash and left about 4:10 PM.
February 28, 2013, Thursday. I went to NH about 3:30 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed.  I left clean clothes on her bed and got lens wipes. She was at the bingo activity. She identified numbers more often than not, but was inconsistently attentive. The volunteer at our table assisted residents to get bingo and not tear up the cards. Mom won 3 games as did all at our table. After Bingo we returned to Mom’s room and I discovered her TV was disconnected from cable. I reconnected and we channel surfed some. We did some personal care and Mom assisted me hanging up clothes. She repeatedly asked “to go”. I distracted her somewhat but Mom was consistent today with questions about accompanying me when I left. I left TV on Fred A. movie. I checked her teeth and they still say “Henderson” in the uppers, nothing in lowers. Tina said that dentist had visited Mom briefly today. As I escorted her to the dining room, we stopped at nurses station and I talked to Nurse Diane and Nurse Audra. We had a sufficiently confusing conversation about Mom’s teeth, the dentist, and orders for Mom food. Audra and I found the head of dietary and clarified that orders are for “regular”, not ground up. Diane said that dentist did visit on Tuesday but there is nothing in notes about Mom’s teeth. Mom displayed no anxiety waiting during discussions with nurses. At one point Mom appeared to understand when I spelled out “I’m l-i-e-i-n-g” to Nurse Audra. Her concentration seems good for brief periods. I left about 5:30 PM.

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