Friday, June 21, 2013


June 20, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 10 AM. I fed the birds, blinds open, waved at Mom in bed. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on, DVD on, sound up, glasses on, No Teeth. No teeth to be found in her room. I called for help to change Mom and get her up. Dalmaccio came and finished changing Mom and told me they had been looking for Mom’s teeth. I asked if they had checked the garbage. He said no. Dalmaccio said that the hospice C.N.A. had discovered the missing teeth when she took Mom for her bath this morning. We did some personal care. I brought another tube of Udder Cream from home. We watched the birds, channel surfed then went to dining room II where a volley ball game was in progress. Mom wanted to play. She was happy and enthusiastic. I left her there, searched her room some more, talked with staff and left about 11:10 AM.
June 21, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 9:30 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. I noted Riley signed Mom’s guest book yesterday. Later on the phone he said he accompanied Mom to Bingo yesterday and she won a banana which she ate. I took her a banana this morning. She ate about 1/3. Mom was resting on her bed. C.N.A. Mary came and changed Mom and got her into her wheelchair. Hospice C.N.A. came by and talked to me about the loss of Mom’s teeth. She mentioned that Mom’s hair had smelled of perm recently. We did some personal care, watched the birds, channel surfed then went to the beauty parlor for Mom’s appointment. Beautician Margaret wet Mom’s hair and demonstrated that Mom’s hair had curl. She rolled Mom’s hair and put Mom under the dryer. Mom was pretty good but sitting under the dryer was a challenge for her. I returned to her room and did some cleaning up, got the four leg attachments out of her room and gave to Nurse Eglise at nurse’s station. Mom’ finished at the beauty parlor and Mom looked lovely with her new do. I talked with Nurse Diane and Nurse Audra and C.N.A. Mary about the loss of Mom’s teeth. Nurse Diane still wants to hear back from laundry. I accompanied Mom to the dining room for lunch and left about Noon.

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