Wednesday, November 13, 2013

TUES., NOV. 12 & WED., NOV. 13, 2013 - TINA IS MOVING!!

November 12, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 4:30 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed and watered the grass. Then went to the front office and signed over a check for about $12+ from Quantum something, royalties, to RNC. Then I went to Mom’s room. On the way there I noted that the Nurse and C.N.A. on Mom’s unit were people I don’t recognize or know. I spoke briefly to Donna about T-Day. She says to be sure and call front office and make the reservations. Mom was on her bed watching DVD.  Her hair looks great with her new perm.  I got her up and a C.N.A. brought the trays. I went and got drinks for Tina and Mom. Mom ate pretty well. She ate the peas, potatoes and carrots out of the chicken pot pie; about half the roll; half the Brussels sprouts; a third of the tart and a cookie. We channel surfed some then back to the DVD. I cleaned Mom’s teeth, gave Mom and Tina candy then helped Mom back onto her bed. I left about 6:20 PM.
November 13, 2013, Wednesday. I spoke to Carl on the phone today about T-Day. He told me he had visited Mom today, shared a banana with her and that Tina was packing up for a move!! I went to the NH about 4:45 PM today. The bird feeders were full, blinds open. Carl had signed the book and Tina was packing up. She is going to move to a room on Unit III to get away from a man on Unit II that she says bothers her. She says he makes inappropriate propositions and exposes himself. I spoke to Nurse Diane about Tina’s move. She could not discuss specifics with me but said that she had witnessed at least one comment similar to Tina’s description. It sounded like the man was being insulting rather than propositioning (Mr. Thomas). I told Nurse Diane that I was uncomfortable with the idea of Mom being alone in the room. Tina keeps an eye on things. Mom was resting on her bed. She did not want to get up. I started to get her up but she was sopping wet so I called for assistance. I changed her and the C.N.A. came and assisted getting Mom into her chair. Her tray came (no drink) and Mom ate all of the creamed corn and the garlic bread. She ate a few bites of the spaghetti and about half of the fruit salad. Tina was arranging stuff, finding long lost items, preparing for the move. Donna from Rec. came in and spoke to Tina about plans for tomorrow and various people came by to assist. Tina says that Mom calls her “Cynthia”. I cleaned Mom’s teeth, we watched Andy Griffith for awhile then I helped Mom back onto her bed. A C.N.A. came and helped adjust Mom. We did some personal care. There was a letter to Mom from Quembe about DNA analysis; her own and Edward’s. I put the TV back on the DVD, gave Tina and Mom candy then left about 7 PM. 

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