Sunday, November 3, 2013

SUNDAY, NOV. 3, 2013

Mom enjoyed the bubbles with Carl yesterday!

November 3, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. The bird feeder was mostly full so I just put some feed in the flat feeder, blinds closed. Mom was in the big TV room. I took her back to her room, turned the sound up on the TV then went to look for her tray. I found Tina’s tray and got it for her. Yvonne said that she would find a tray for Mom. I went back to the room and we did some personal care. We watched the birds and saw Riley arrive. Yvonne brought Mom’s food then Riley came in and Mom ate pretty well. Riley stayed for a bit then left. Mom ate some of the chili then I accidentally gave her a bit of Jalapeno pepper that was in the salad. Oops! She ate half of the cornbread and all of the orange sherbet and two cookies that I brought from home. We channel surfed and I took the tray out. Then Yvonne came and I helped her get Mom into bed, O2 on, glasses cleaned, and I cleaned her teeth. I left about 6:50 PM with TV on DVD of Easter Parade.

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