Saturday, November 9, 2013

FRIDAY, NOV. 8 (Mom played the PIANO!) & SAT., NOV. 9, 2013

November 8, 2013, Friday. Margaret called and said that she is too busy to do Mom’s perm today but she will do it on Tuesday. I went to the NH about 4:50 PM today. The birds were fed and the grass watered, blinds open.  Yvonne brought Tina’s and Mom’s trays to the room then I found Mom in the dining room. We returned to her room. I saw that Riley had signed in today and visited about 1:30 PM. Mom was alert and Tina reported that MOM PLAYED THE PIANO TODAY, “both hands”! I only got a somewhat mangled story from Tina but Mom agreed that she had played the piano today. Mom was very alert and also tired. She did not eat well but there was evidence of chips and sauce on her clothes. She only ate half of one cookie. We channel surfed and I called for assistance to get Mom into bed. No one came but I managed to get Mom into bed and changed. She was somewhat argumentative and reluctant to make any decisions whatsoever. I gave Mom and Tina some candy and left about 6:15 PM.
November 9, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds half open. I took clean clothes to Mom’s room and the C.N.A. brought Mom’s tray then Tamara from Rec. arrived with Mom! I asked Tamara about Mom playing the piano. She said that Mom was making piano playing moves with her hands so she transported Geraldine to the piano and she played a bit! Tamara said that they had cookies at the event today. Mom didn’t eat very well tonight; about a quarter of the hamburger, some French fries, a bit of salad and about half the ice cream. She refused a cookie. We hung up the clothes. Given time and cues, she did manage to hang up several items independently. I called for help but it is a busy time, supper time. No one came. Tina told me that someone had passed away and talked about changes in staff but it hard to follow because Tina doesn’t use anyone’s name. She says “that one” and “that other one”.  I got Mom into her pajamas, cleaned her teeth, brushed her hair and changed her diaper. I gave Mom and Tina candy. We channel surfed then I put the TV back on the DVD, put Mom’s O2 on. I left about 6:20 PM.

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