Tuesday, November 26, 2013

MON., NOV. 25 & TUES., NOV. 26, 2013

November 25, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 4:40 PM. I fed the birds a little but the feeders were full. Mom was on her bed, O2 on, teeth in, no glasses, DVD playing. I noted that Riley had signed in earlier today. We spoke on the phone this afternoon and he said that he visited Mom and she seemed well. Mom was wet so I changed her then got her into her chair. Someone brought her tray while I wasn’t looking. When she was standing before getting into her chair, I noticed blood running down her leg and called for help. C.N.A. Adam came and assisted getting Mom seated with her leg on the bed on a pad then went for a nurse. Nurse Steve came and inspected the thin cut on her L leg. He bandaged it then Adam and I got Mom out of the bloody socks and pants. Mom chose fresh pants from the clean clothes I had brought. Mom ate less than half of her food; chopped chicken, rice, cornbread and peas. I got her a coffee and drizzled some of that on her ginger cake, then she ate all of that, once it was moistened. We hung up the clean clothes I brought. She did some problem solving. I cleaned her teeth and gave her a chocolate then assisted her into bed. We channel surfed and I got her dirty clothes bagged up. I gave her a caramel, put the DVD back on, dimmed a light and left, closing her door. Mr. Thomas was outside her door and I looked at him and laughed, snickered. I left the NH about 6:50 PM with the dirty clothes. Today I got a sense that she did not know, wasn’t sure who I was. I didn’t press her.
November 26, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 4:40 PM. I fed the birds although there was still feed in the feeders. Mom was on her bed with the O2 cannula tangled in her glasses and she was flat, sound down on DVD and seemed to be trying to do something, struggling. I got her straightened out and determined she was trying to get to the remote to turn the sound up on the TV. I got the sound up and C.N.A. Adam came and helped me get Mom into her chair. We did some personal care and Adam brought a tray which turned out to be Ms Bailey’s but Mom ate it anyway. She ate well tonight. I figured out a strategy tonight. Mom tires, just gets tired and doesn’t want to eat anymore even if she likes the soup, egg salad. I got two utensils…spoon & fork….put some egg salad on fork and soup in the spoon and say “choose.” It works! She keeps eating, choosing one then the other. She ate some bread too. And both of the choc. Chip cookies. We sang a little…”We gather together to ask the ..” and “Good health and wealth…” I got her to sing along. While we hung up clean clothes, I asked her. She did not know who I was. We went through all the girls…Helen, Cynthia, Lucretia, Melanie, Zenna Belle, Roberta, Claris, Minnie Jane…and no, she did not know who I was. She Does know that she is Geraldine. She did problem solve some with the clothes. I assisted her back into bed, into her pajamas, gave her a chocolate and left about 6:30 PM. I changed the DVD to Singing in the Rain.

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