Friday, November 15, 2013

THURS., NOV. 14 & FRI., NOV. 15, 2013 - WITHOUT TINA

November 14, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I added some seed to the bird feeders, blinds closed. Mom was resting on her bed watching the DVD, sound down, O2 on, glasses on. Mom told me she was hungry and she was licking her lips. I gave her water and got her into her chair. The other side of the room looked bare with Tina gone. Also Mom’s vase of flowers from Carl were gone. I asked a C.N.A. about the flowers and she said she would look into it. A C.N.A. brought Mom’s tray then Donna from Rec. brought the flowers back. Mom didn’t eat as well tonight. I think if she gets to the cranberry drink, it spoils her appetite. Eventually she ate all of the roll, some of the cauliflower & broccoli, and some of the Swedish meatballs. Then she ate about half of the cake. I gave her a chocolate and helped her back onto the bed. She was wet but I didn’t change her. I cleaned her teeth and glasses. We did some personal care and hung up the clean clothes. We channel surfed then I changed the DVD to Singing in the Rain. Mom said she had not seen this film. I left about 6:40 PM with dirty clothes.
November 15, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the Great room with an empty ice cream cup in front of her. I asked how she was doing and she said “Great!” We went back to her room and a C.N.A. brought her tray. She started feeding herself the soup. I got her a glass of ice water. She ate some bread and ketchup and almost all of her soup. She didn’t want the fruit even after I put sugar on it. She wanted to go for a walk and since it was balmy outside we went out and looked at the sunset and the moon rising. She had a good time propelling herself and wore herself out. We went back to her room. I brushed her hair, gave her some chocolate and cleaned her teeth. We channel surfed then went back to the DVD. I assisted her back onto the bed, covered her with a lap blanket, put her O2 on. I turned down the lights and noticed that the cable connection is weak and that Mr. Thomas was hanging out outside Mom’s door. I left about 6:30 PM, closing the door to Mom’s room on my way out. I also handed her the flyswatter before I left.

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