Saturday, November 30, 2013

FRI., NOV. 29, 2013 & SAT., NOV. 30, 2013

November 29, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. There was feed in the feeders, blinds closed. Mom was on her bed, flat, no glasses, sound down on DVD, O2 on.  Mom was awake and didn’t have on pants in bed so I got her some slacks and helped her into her chair. The C.N.A. brought her tray then returned with coffee and juice. Mom ate slowly about 1/3 of her rice & meat, some of the cauliflower and carrots. She likes carrots but these were under cooked and rather hard. The bread was dry and she ate only a bite of that. She ate only a few bites of the fruit. She was swallowing well today, beginning with enthusiasm but soon refusing food. She asked me several times to take her for a ride in the car. We hung up some clean clothes I brought. She was able to straighten and hang with about the fourth garment. Her problem solving was low. We channel surfed and Hello Dolly was on. She enjoyed watching that. We played patty-cake and did some stretchies. As far as I could determine she did not go to activities today. Her bandage on her L leg had not been changed since 11/25/13. I changed the DVD to Flying to Rio (Fred A., Ginger Rogers, Delores del Rio). I left about 6:50 PM.
November 30, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 4:50 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Went I went into the facility Nurse Sandra said that Mom had spoken to her, followed instructions from C.N.A. Adam, and smiled. Mom was in her chair in her room. C.N.A. Adam brought Mom’s tray and Mom ate her soup well plus some of the bread but not the chicken salad. I brought some baked apple and she ate about ¾ of that plus half of the Apple Betty from the NH. I got some pillow cases for her pillows and Mom and I put them on the pillows. We channel surfed and did some personal care. I assisted her into a nightgown and into her bed and noticed blood leaking from under the bandage. Mr. Thomas seemed to be hanging out by Mom’s door. I told nurse Sandra about the leaking then took Mom’s dirty clothes to the car. I returned. Mr. Thomas was gone and the Nurses cart was by Mom’s door. Nurse Sandra said the smaller wound had opened and we discussed the possibility that something on her chair is injuring her.

I changed the DVD to the Opera and left about 6:50 PM.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

WED., NOV. 27 & THANKSGIVING! NOV. 28, 2013

November 27, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in bed without her teeth, no glasses, O2 on but cannula was on the floor and the sound was down on the TV. I opened the blinds and we saw some birds. Mom’s room was a mess with dirty clothes here and there. Mom was wet so I changed her and got her dressed and into her chair. I called for help but no one came. I brushed her hair. I put dirty clothes in hamper then went and got her tray. I got her teeth in and turned off the TV. Mom ate well tonight. Almost all of the cauliflower and broccoli, some of the chopped chicken and biscuit but not much of the fruit salad. Carl came while Mom was eating. Mom spotted him coming out the window and got excited, recognized him. Carl brought fresh flowers and showed us pictures on his new IPad. After Carl left,  I did the game of having her choose which bite when she started to tire of eating and it continues to work to get her to eat more. I sang Go Down Moses and Do you want to Sit Down but she did not know those songs. She sang along on ‘Good Health & Wealth…’ and ‘We Gather together.’ Then I sang Down in the Valley and she knew that song, first and second verses. I took her teeth out and cleaned them and gave Mom a chocolate marshmallow treat which she ate all of independently. Then we hung up clean clothes I had brought. We played patty cake and did stretchies then I helped her into a nightgown and back into bed. We channel surfed then went back to Singing in the Rain. I put her O2 on then left about 7 PM. Mom was alert and seemed to know who I was today.
THANKSGIVING, November 28, 2013, Thursday. Festivities are scheduled for 5:30 PM. Bill and I arrived at the NH about 4:45 PM. Mom was in the Big TV room with other residents. I took Mom back to her room and Bill went to the Great Room to wait for the party. I put on her lap blanket, beads, a scarf, cleaned her fingernails and turned off the TV.  Then we headed for the Great Room. Mom propelled herself part of the way but Mom seemed a little out of it. We took pictures and Riley, Terri, Carl and Charlotte all arrived about the same time. Then Kim and Stuart came. Terri couldn’t stay. We sang “We gather together….” And Good Health and Wealth…” and Mom sang along.  The food was good and we all ate our fill. Mom did not eat well tonight in the middle of the many distractions. We said good night all around then I took Mom back to her room and assisted her into bed. I cleaned her teeth, gave her a chocolate and channel surfed a bit. Then I put the TV back on Singing in the Rain and Bill and I left about 6:45. Mom seemed confused tonight. I checked Mom’s wound on her L leg. The 11/25/13 bandage is still on there is blood seepage but no sign of infection or distress in the area. I spoke to Nurse Steve about it and he said they would likely change the bandage tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

MON., NOV. 25 & TUES., NOV. 26, 2013

November 25, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 4:40 PM. I fed the birds a little but the feeders were full. Mom was on her bed, O2 on, teeth in, no glasses, DVD playing. I noted that Riley had signed in earlier today. We spoke on the phone this afternoon and he said that he visited Mom and she seemed well. Mom was wet so I changed her then got her into her chair. Someone brought her tray while I wasn’t looking. When she was standing before getting into her chair, I noticed blood running down her leg and called for help. C.N.A. Adam came and assisted getting Mom seated with her leg on the bed on a pad then went for a nurse. Nurse Steve came and inspected the thin cut on her L leg. He bandaged it then Adam and I got Mom out of the bloody socks and pants. Mom chose fresh pants from the clean clothes I had brought. Mom ate less than half of her food; chopped chicken, rice, cornbread and peas. I got her a coffee and drizzled some of that on her ginger cake, then she ate all of that, once it was moistened. We hung up the clean clothes I brought. She did some problem solving. I cleaned her teeth and gave her a chocolate then assisted her into bed. We channel surfed and I got her dirty clothes bagged up. I gave her a caramel, put the DVD back on, dimmed a light and left, closing her door. Mr. Thomas was outside her door and I looked at him and laughed, snickered. I left the NH about 6:50 PM with the dirty clothes. Today I got a sense that she did not know, wasn’t sure who I was. I didn’t press her.
November 26, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 4:40 PM. I fed the birds although there was still feed in the feeders. Mom was on her bed with the O2 cannula tangled in her glasses and she was flat, sound down on DVD and seemed to be trying to do something, struggling. I got her straightened out and determined she was trying to get to the remote to turn the sound up on the TV. I got the sound up and C.N.A. Adam came and helped me get Mom into her chair. We did some personal care and Adam brought a tray which turned out to be Ms Bailey’s but Mom ate it anyway. She ate well tonight. I figured out a strategy tonight. Mom tires, just gets tired and doesn’t want to eat anymore even if she likes the soup, egg salad. I got two utensils…spoon & fork….put some egg salad on fork and soup in the spoon and say “choose.” It works! She keeps eating, choosing one then the other. She ate some bread too. And both of the choc. Chip cookies. We sang a little…”We gather together to ask the ..” and “Good health and wealth…” I got her to sing along. While we hung up clean clothes, I asked her. She did not know who I was. We went through all the girls…Helen, Cynthia, Lucretia, Melanie, Zenna Belle, Roberta, Claris, Minnie Jane…and no, she did not know who I was. She Does know that she is Geraldine. She did problem solve some with the clothes. I assisted her back into bed, into her pajamas, gave her a chocolate and left about 6:30 PM. I changed the DVD to Singing in the Rain.

Monday, November 25, 2013

FRI., NOV. 22, SAT, NOV.23, AND SUN., NOV. 24, 2013

November 22, 2013, Friday. I didn’t go to the NH today. Riley came by about 4 PM and said that he would go and hang out with Mom and help her with supper. Riley said that Mom was alert and ate about half of her food. He said that Mom did not have her teeth in when he arrived. He left her with a new movie on the DVD, O2 on and teeth cleaned.
November 23, 2013, Saturday. I didn’t go to the NH today. The report was that Mom was alert and ate well, very slowly. All of her soup, some of her cornbread, some of fruit. He said that she remembered that she had gone to hear the Ukulele concert in the afternoon.
November 24, 2013, Sunday. I didn’t go to the NH today.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

WED., NOV. 20 & THURS., NOV. 21, 2013

November 20, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 4:50 PM. There was still birdseed from yesterday, blinds closed. Mom was on her bed, O2 on, glasses on, DVD playing, teeth in. I got Mom into her w/c and the C.N.A. brought Mom’s tray. Mom was contrary, advocated for herself today, and ate all her veggies, some soup and some pasta. But it took three packets of ketchup, salt and pepper. She ate both her cookies independently. I worked on organizing her drawers. We hung up some clean clothes I brought. We channel surfed while we soaked and cleaned her fingernails. After returning her tray to the dining room, I spoke to Nurse Diane and Annie in Rec. about getting Mom up for activities. I gave Tina’s sugarless candy to Annie. I assisted the C.N.A. in changing Mom then got her into bed. I cleaned Mom’s teeth, gave her a chocolate, put the O2 on and changed the DVD to Gene Kelly in Brigadoon. I left about 7 PM.
November 21, 2013, Thursday.  I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Rain predicted and it has drizzled some today so I didn’t water. Mom was in the dining room. Staff told me that Mom had been all over the facility today, going here and there. I saw her release her brakes herself. We went to her room with Mom propelling herself most of the way. Her tray was in her room. Mom was pleasant and also argumentative. She did not eat well then told me that she had played Bingo and “had already eaten”. She ate a few bites of omelet, hash browns and about ½ of the biscuit. She wanted to go for a ride. So we went for a walk outside and watched the sunset on the gathering thunderheads and looked at the Fall colors. Mom was communicative and aware of her environment. I explained that she was sick. “Do you want to die?” I asked then we talked about dieing. We went back to her room after I told her there was chocolate there. I gave her chocolate, cleaned her teeth, her glasses, got her into her nightie and into bed with O2 on. We watched some of a Fred A. tap dance then she told me she had seen this movie. We channel surfed then I put on Winged Migration. She watched the birds with attention and interest so I left it on that. I closed the door when I left about 6:40 PM. Once again I saw no sign of Mr. Thomas.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

MON., NOV. 18 & TUES., NOV. 19, 2013

November 18, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 4:50 PM, fed the birds, watered the grass, blinds half open. Mom was asleep on her bed, TV on, sound low, O2 on but cannula out of place, glasses on, teeth in. There was no table in her room. I asked Nurse Steve and also C.N.A. Marcelina for a table. Marcelina brought Mom’s tray and we put it on a bedside stand then Nurse Steve brought a table and we set up at the table, TV off. Mom was consistently agreeable and ate well, slowly; some spaghetti, some salad, some fruit and two small cookies. Contrary to usual behavior, Mom responded “yes” to all inquiries. We looked at some photos and Mom could not identify herself or any of her relatives tonight. Mom was reluctant to use her left hand in hand games and activities tonight. We hung up some clean clothes I brought and by the fourth item she began to understand what we were doing. She was very distant and not responsive to cues about music, dancing or art. I saw Mr. Thomas at Mom’s door. I pointed at him and laughed loudly and he left immediately. I went out to the hall and there was no sign of him. This is suggested defense against “flashers” – point and laugh. I washed Mom’s teeth and gave her a chocolate. I called for assistance and started putting Mom into bed. She was very cooperative and I got Mom into bed. Marcelina came but Mom did not need changing. I put on Mom’s O2, changed the DVD, cleaned her glasses and Mom dozed off quickly. I spoke to Nurse Steve about my perception of changes in Mom. He accompanied me to Mom’s room and took an O2 measure which was good. He suggested that in the future if I note such behavior change in her to see himself or Nurse Jim right away. I left about 6:45 PM. I called Riley and talked about initiating the strategy of “pointing and laughing” at Mr. Thomas if he is seen in the vicinity of Mom’s door. I will also watch for an opportunity to speak directly to Mr. Thomas and tell him to stay away from Mom. I drew his portrait last summer so I am acquainted with him superficially.
November 19, 2013, Tuesday. Regina emailed that Mom has GAINED A LB.! Yea! Change in direction is great! I went to the NH about 4:40 PM. The bird feeders were full. I saw that both Carl and Riley signed the book, visited Mom and Carl said he shared a banana with Mom too. Mom was asleep on her bed. I got her up and into her chair. She argued with me but the food tray came and I got her into her chair. She ate well tonight; all of the chicken salad off of the bread, some of the noodles and all of the brownie. She said she wanted to go for a walk so we did. Tonight she identified herself in photos and her mother’s house. She propelled herself some and enjoyed watching people going around in the hallway. We successfully played patty cake. We returned to the room, hung up some clean clothes then I assisted Mom back onto her bed. We channel surfed, I cleaned Mom’s teeth and gave her a chocolate. I left about 6:45 PM with dirty clothes. I left the TV on the DVD. I saw no sign of Mr. Thomas today.

Monday, November 18, 2013

SAT., NOV. 16 & SUN., NOV. 17, 2013

November 16, 2013, Saturday. I didn’t go to the NH today. I got a report that Mom is well.
November 17, 2013, Sunday. I didn’t go to the NH today. I got a report that Mom ate well tonight and that she looked at pictures and identified people. Also that Mr. Thomas was hanging around Mom’s door.

Friday, November 15, 2013

THURS., NOV. 14 & FRI., NOV. 15, 2013 - WITHOUT TINA

November 14, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I added some seed to the bird feeders, blinds closed. Mom was resting on her bed watching the DVD, sound down, O2 on, glasses on. Mom told me she was hungry and she was licking her lips. I gave her water and got her into her chair. The other side of the room looked bare with Tina gone. Also Mom’s vase of flowers from Carl were gone. I asked a C.N.A. about the flowers and she said she would look into it. A C.N.A. brought Mom’s tray then Donna from Rec. brought the flowers back. Mom didn’t eat as well tonight. I think if she gets to the cranberry drink, it spoils her appetite. Eventually she ate all of the roll, some of the cauliflower & broccoli, and some of the Swedish meatballs. Then she ate about half of the cake. I gave her a chocolate and helped her back onto the bed. She was wet but I didn’t change her. I cleaned her teeth and glasses. We did some personal care and hung up the clean clothes. We channel surfed then I changed the DVD to Singing in the Rain. Mom said she had not seen this film. I left about 6:40 PM with dirty clothes.
November 15, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the Great room with an empty ice cream cup in front of her. I asked how she was doing and she said “Great!” We went back to her room and a C.N.A. brought her tray. She started feeding herself the soup. I got her a glass of ice water. She ate some bread and ketchup and almost all of her soup. She didn’t want the fruit even after I put sugar on it. She wanted to go for a walk and since it was balmy outside we went out and looked at the sunset and the moon rising. She had a good time propelling herself and wore herself out. We went back to her room. I brushed her hair, gave her some chocolate and cleaned her teeth. We channel surfed then went back to the DVD. I assisted her back onto the bed, covered her with a lap blanket, put her O2 on. I turned down the lights and noticed that the cable connection is weak and that Mr. Thomas was hanging out outside Mom’s door. I left about 6:30 PM, closing the door to Mom’s room on my way out. I also handed her the flyswatter before I left.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

TUES., NOV. 12 & WED., NOV. 13, 2013 - TINA IS MOVING!!

November 12, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 4:30 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed and watered the grass. Then went to the front office and signed over a check for about $12+ from Quantum something, royalties, to RNC. Then I went to Mom’s room. On the way there I noted that the Nurse and C.N.A. on Mom’s unit were people I don’t recognize or know. I spoke briefly to Donna about T-Day. She says to be sure and call front office and make the reservations. Mom was on her bed watching DVD.  Her hair looks great with her new perm.  I got her up and a C.N.A. brought the trays. I went and got drinks for Tina and Mom. Mom ate pretty well. She ate the peas, potatoes and carrots out of the chicken pot pie; about half the roll; half the Brussels sprouts; a third of the tart and a cookie. We channel surfed some then back to the DVD. I cleaned Mom’s teeth, gave Mom and Tina candy then helped Mom back onto her bed. I left about 6:20 PM.
November 13, 2013, Wednesday. I spoke to Carl on the phone today about T-Day. He told me he had visited Mom today, shared a banana with her and that Tina was packing up for a move!! I went to the NH about 4:45 PM today. The bird feeders were full, blinds open. Carl had signed the book and Tina was packing up. She is going to move to a room on Unit III to get away from a man on Unit II that she says bothers her. She says he makes inappropriate propositions and exposes himself. I spoke to Nurse Diane about Tina’s move. She could not discuss specifics with me but said that she had witnessed at least one comment similar to Tina’s description. It sounded like the man was being insulting rather than propositioning (Mr. Thomas). I told Nurse Diane that I was uncomfortable with the idea of Mom being alone in the room. Tina keeps an eye on things. Mom was resting on her bed. She did not want to get up. I started to get her up but she was sopping wet so I called for assistance. I changed her and the C.N.A. came and assisted getting Mom into her chair. Her tray came (no drink) and Mom ate all of the creamed corn and the garlic bread. She ate a few bites of the spaghetti and about half of the fruit salad. Tina was arranging stuff, finding long lost items, preparing for the move. Donna from Rec. came in and spoke to Tina about plans for tomorrow and various people came by to assist. Tina says that Mom calls her “Cynthia”. I cleaned Mom’s teeth, we watched Andy Griffith for awhile then I helped Mom back onto her bed. A C.N.A. came and helped adjust Mom. We did some personal care. There was a letter to Mom from Quembe about DNA analysis; her own and Edward’s. I put the TV back on the DVD, gave Tina and Mom candy then left about 7 PM. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

SUNDAY, NOV. 10 & MON., NOV. 11, 2013

November 10, 2013, Sunday. I called Riley about “training”. He and Terri will try to come this evening. I arrived at the NH about 4:45 PM and Riley’s car was there, the bird feeders were full and the grass watered. Mom was in the big TV room and we went to her room and hung up the clean clothes that I had brought. Mom was pretty good at problem solving today. Riley came before we finished then He brushed her hair. Riley said that Terri could likely come tomorrow. I went for Mom’s tray from the hall cart. Mom liked the veggie soup but ate very little of the chicken salad before I left. Riley took over feeding Mom and assisting her. I think she was distracted by having both of us and Riley is planning on assisting more. I left about 5:45 PM. I saw Yvonne in the hallway and she said she would watch for Mom’s light in case Riley called for help. Mom was alert today.
November 11, 2013, Monday. Email from Regina, Hospice, saying Mom’s lungs are much improved!! I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. The bird feeders were full, blinds partially open. I saw that Riley had signed in this afternoon. Mom’s tray was in her room but I couldn’t find Mom. She was in the Great Room. Today they had a Veteran’s Day Party with songs, music and donuts. Later when I asked Mom about the party, she did not remember any donuts but she Did remember music and singing. I escorted her back to her room, gave her Purell for her hands and wiped them off with a Handi-wipe. There was something on her hands that was suspiciously similar to feces. Tina said there were no chocolate donuts. Mom was jolly and cooperative but did not eat much. None of the Sloppy Joe, a couple of potato wedges, about half of the deep fried zucchini and only one of the cookies.  I took the tray out then soaked Mom finger nails and cleaned them. I called for assistance and Yvonne came and I helped her get Mom into bed. I turned on the TV and noticed that there were no cable channels. The cable was broken so I taped it back together with blue painter’s tape. We channel surfed then I changed the DVD. I gave Mom & Tina candy, cleaned Mom's teeth and left about 6:15 PM. I left a note with the beauty parlor, Margaret, requesting a perm for Mom.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

FRIDAY, NOV. 8 (Mom played the PIANO!) & SAT., NOV. 9, 2013

November 8, 2013, Friday. Margaret called and said that she is too busy to do Mom’s perm today but she will do it on Tuesday. I went to the NH about 4:50 PM today. The birds were fed and the grass watered, blinds open.  Yvonne brought Tina’s and Mom’s trays to the room then I found Mom in the dining room. We returned to her room. I saw that Riley had signed in today and visited about 1:30 PM. Mom was alert and Tina reported that MOM PLAYED THE PIANO TODAY, “both hands”! I only got a somewhat mangled story from Tina but Mom agreed that she had played the piano today. Mom was very alert and also tired. She did not eat well but there was evidence of chips and sauce on her clothes. She only ate half of one cookie. We channel surfed and I called for assistance to get Mom into bed. No one came but I managed to get Mom into bed and changed. She was somewhat argumentative and reluctant to make any decisions whatsoever. I gave Mom and Tina some candy and left about 6:15 PM.
November 9, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds half open. I took clean clothes to Mom’s room and the C.N.A. brought Mom’s tray then Tamara from Rec. arrived with Mom! I asked Tamara about Mom playing the piano. She said that Mom was making piano playing moves with her hands so she transported Geraldine to the piano and she played a bit! Tamara said that they had cookies at the event today. Mom didn’t eat very well tonight; about a quarter of the hamburger, some French fries, a bit of salad and about half the ice cream. She refused a cookie. We hung up the clothes. Given time and cues, she did manage to hang up several items independently. I called for help but it is a busy time, supper time. No one came. Tina told me that someone had passed away and talked about changes in staff but it hard to follow because Tina doesn’t use anyone’s name. She says “that one” and “that other one”.  I got Mom into her pajamas, cleaned her teeth, brushed her hair and changed her diaper. I gave Mom and Tina candy. We channel surfed then I put the TV back on the DVD, put Mom’s O2 on. I left about 6:20 PM.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

WED., NOV. 6 & THURS., NOV. 7, 2013

November 6, 2013, Wednesday. I went to the NH about 4:50 PM today. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in her room, in bed, O2 on, no glasses. I got her up and into her chair, cleaned her glasses. We played patty cake. The C.N.A. brought Tina’s tray then brought Mom’s when she saw me there. Mom ate well tonight with some salt added to the soup & salad. She likes their veggie soup. I added Mayo to the salad and scrapped the cheese off the sandwich and she ate the cheese. Mom ate two cookies and some of the fruit salad (the peaches and pineapple). We channel surfed some. I took the tray to the dining room and Mom wanted to go to bed. When I assisted her to the bed, she was very wet so I called for help and changed her, put her nightgown on her. The C.N.A. came after she was in bed. Mom’s bed had no bed spread but had two blankets instead.  Mom was cooperative but seemed tired with difficulty following instructions. I have noticed that she does not use her left hand without encouragement. I left about 6:50 PM.
November 7, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 4:50 PM. There was seed in the vertical feeder so I put the birdseed in the flat feeder, blinds open. Mom was in the big TV room. I transported her to her room, got her a hat and lap blanket. I saw that Carl had signed in today and he wrote “banana” so Mom had a banana today too. Carl says that Mom always asks “How’s Charlotte?” A C.N.A. brought Mom’s tray and she ate pretty well; all of the broth and veggies in the chicken soup, most of the bread & butter, one bite of spinach, all of the pear and half a cookie. Riley arrived just as Mom finished and we looked at the newsletter and talked about his and Terri’s subbing for me. Riley left, took Mom’s tray out, then Mom & I looked at some pictures and channel surfed some. I assisted Mom into a nightgown and into bed. I put Mom’s O2 on, gave Mom and Tina a candy and left at about 6:30 PM. Mom was cheerful and cooperative, tonight.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

MONDAY, NOV. 4, & TUESDAY, NOV. 5, 2013

November 4, 2013, Monday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed.
Mom was in the Great Room at an activity that was finishing up. I transported her to her room where we channel surfed and looked out window. It was late for the birds since the time change. We saw a few. We did some personal care and Tina’s tray came. I went to get food for Mom. I spoke with Yvonne then went to the dining room where I ran into Donna, the head of recreation. She spoke to Nurse Sylvia from administration and Sylvia went and got a tray for Mom and brought it to her room. I spoke with Nurse Linda and Yvonne and both said that they spoke with dietary tonight and that from now on Mom will have a tray for the evenings in the hall cart. Mom ate all of her tomato soup, some of her grilled cheese sandwich, over half of her lemon pudding and one of the cookies I brought from home. I added salt and pepper to the soup, that’s all tonight. She had ice tea, no sugar tonight. I called for assistance and a new C.N.A. with a trainee came and got Mom changed and into bed. We went through some DVDs and settled on a Fred & Ginger. I cleaned Mom’s teeth, gave Mom a chocolate and Tina a caramel. I left about 6:30 PM.
November 5, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was in the Big TV room when I came in. Donna from Rec. said she had just come down from activity in the Great Room. We went to her room and hung up the clean clothes I brought. We saw only a few birds. It was almost dark.  I put the TV on KVUE so we could watch for Carl on TV but he wasn’t on, edited out. Yvonne brought Mom her tray. It was on the hall cart tonight. Mom ate most of the tamales, some of the beans, one bite of salad and one of the cookies from RNC and one of the cookies I brought from home. I added some salt and ketchup tonight. We did some personal care and looked at photographs. I called for assistance and the C.N.A. Antoinetta came promptly. I assisted getting Mom into bed, changed and Antoinetta pointed out red pressure sore starting on her bottom, so she propped Mom on her side somewhat. I cleaned her teeth and gave Mom and Tina candy. I put her O2 on and changed the DVD back to Fred A. Mom said she was comfortable and went right to sleep. I left about 6:30 PM. Mom was alert and generally cooperative today.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

SUNDAY, NOV. 3, 2013

Mom enjoyed the bubbles with Carl yesterday!

November 3, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. The bird feeder was mostly full so I just put some feed in the flat feeder, blinds closed. Mom was in the big TV room. I took her back to her room, turned the sound up on the TV then went to look for her tray. I found Tina’s tray and got it for her. Yvonne said that she would find a tray for Mom. I went back to the room and we did some personal care. We watched the birds and saw Riley arrive. Yvonne brought Mom’s food then Riley came in and Mom ate pretty well. Riley stayed for a bit then left. Mom ate some of the chili then I accidentally gave her a bit of Jalapeno pepper that was in the salad. Oops! She ate half of the cornbread and all of the orange sherbet and two cookies that I brought from home. We channel surfed and I took the tray out. Then Yvonne came and I helped her get Mom into bed, O2 on, glasses cleaned, and I cleaned her teeth. I left about 6:50 PM with TV on DVD of Easter Parade.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

FRIDAY, NOV. 1 & SAT., NOV. 2, 2013

November 1, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 4:45 PM. There was still a lot of seed in the bird feeders but I added some, blinds closed. Mom was in the big TV room. We went to her room and Ben had Mom’s tray ready for her. I opened the blinds and set Mom up to eat, turned off the TV. She ate well tonight, especially the green beans, the roll and some of the rice dish with ketchup, parmesan cheese, salt & pepper added. She ate a cookie from yesterday and some of the pineapple. Then we went for a walk outside. She set off the alarms tonight. The Wander Guard is on her chair now, not on her arm. She propelled herself about half of the time. We went to the back of the lot then back inside. I gave Mom a chocolate and Tina a caramel. I cleaned Mom’s teeth then went through the DVDs. The Little Mermaid is missing. I couldn’t find it tonight so I put on Easter Parade. Ben came and got the trays and said he would return to put Mom in bed. I got Mom into her night gown and mostly into bed when Ben returned and got her positioned in bed. I forgot to put her O2 on. Mom was alert and in a good humor today.
November 2, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 4:50 PM. The bird feeders were full, blinds closed. Mom was sitting in her wheelchair in her room. I looked for a tray for her but there was none in the hall cart and the staff in the dining room said I would have to wait until all are served. The last time I did that, Mom never got food and we went to What A Burger. A resident, Ms Harris had a spilled glass of water in front of her and was slid down in her chair, all catawampus. A C.N.A. went for assistance and I stayed with Ms Harris. Two C.N.A.s were getting her right in the chair. Later when I returned there were more people struggling to assist Ms Harris. I spoke to a C.N.A. and she found the Nurse. Nurse Linda talked to me then got Dennis the Med. Nurse to go to the kitchen and get a tray for Mom. Mom & I hung up the clean clothes I brought. There were fresh flowers and Carl had signed in this afternoon about 3:30. Dennis brought Mom a tray. Mom did not eat well and was grouchy with me today. She ate some soup & mashed potatoes and some of the fruit. She wanted to go for a ride in a car. Tina said that Mom had asked her earlier to go get her car and take her for a ride. (Tina doesn’t have a car.)Nurse Linda said that Mom had finished her antibiotic. Dennis brought her meds (Mucinex?). I took the tray back to the dining room. We channel surfed, watched the birds, did some personal care and I rang for assistance to put Mom to bed but help never came. I got Mom into bed and she was sopping wet so I changed her too. I cleaned her teeth, put the DVD back on and put her O2 on. I gave Mom & Tina candy and left about 6:50 PM with dirty clothes.