Friday, May 17, 2013

MAY 16 & 17, 2013

May 16, 2013, Thursday. I went to the NH about 3:30 PM. There was birdseed but I added more, blinds open. I took Mom’s clean clothes to her room and changed the DVD. The flowers in her room looked freshened up. I went to dining room II where bingo was in progress. Mom had created a “bingo” on her card and was proudly asking for her prize. I sat down with her and we played Bingo. Mom & I both got legitimate Bingos and won chips and a banana. Mom was impatient and sometimes tried adding extra pieces to her card exhibiting alertness and restlessness. She ate a packet of peanut butter crackers. After Bingo we went to her room and watched the birds and hung up her clothes. Mom was fairly good at problem solving and prompt with responses to cues. I brushed her hair, washed her face. We put on hand cream. We went for a walk around the facility and Mom propelled herself about ¾ of the time. She said she wanted to “go”. We went out front and sat in the shade. We went back to her room then I accompanied her to the dining room. She said that she wanted her banana so I gave it to her to eat. I left her there eating her banana waiting for supper. I picked up her dirty clothes to launder and stopped by to talk to Nurse Diane. I reported Mom’s restlessness and Nurse Diane said that her blood pressure had been very low lately and they had reduced one of her meds to 2x daily instead of 3x daily. I left about 5:30 PM. Later I spoke to Carl on the phone. He said he had visit Mom between 2 and 3 PM and had also given Mom a banana which she ate.
May 17, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 9:40 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was sitting in her w/c in her room, DVD on, sound down, bed in high position so she could not get into it, one brake on, one, off. I washed her face, opened blinds, cleaned her glasses and asked her if she wanted to go for a ride. We went to nurses’ station and I checked her out. We drove slowly through the neighborhoods. Mom was alert and noticed, identified plants and objects in the environment well. She said she was thirsty so we went to a convenience store and got a soda to share. We drove through 3 or so of the strip malls on Anderson Lane, looking at the stores, identifying them then circled Northcross Mall, reading the signs.  We returned to the NH. I fed the birds again then got Mom into her chair. We went to dining room II where the Rec. staff was making homemade pickles as a demonstration/entertainment for residents. I left Mom there and spoke with Nurse Diane on my way out. We discussed Mom’s alert demeanor. I left about 11:15 AM.

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