Friday, May 3, 2013

MAY 1-3, 2013

May 1, 2013, Wednesday. I didn’t go to the NH today.
May 2, 2013, Thursday. Foxy & I went to the NH about 9:40 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. There was a sign on the exterior door indicating that the facility is undergoing Medicare/Medicaid inspection. Mom was asleep on her bed, O2 on, bed lowered very low, glasses on, teeth in place. I opened the blinds, put Foxy on her bed and Mom was delighted, petting Foxy fondly. We did some personal care and channel surfed on the TV., watched the news. We watched the birds and looked at photographs. Mom identified the photos as “my family”. She identified her parents correctly but mixed the names of siblings and children. We hung up the clean clothes I brought. Overall Mom’s problem solving skills have declined slightly. She can hang clothes correctly if I lay them out. Mom dozed off so I lowered her bed to reclining position and changed the DVD to Carmen. Foxy & I left about 10:30 AM.
May 3, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 7:30 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. The vertical feeder was still full so I surmised that Carl had visited. There were fresh flowers in Mom’s room so, yes, Carl had visited. Tina said he didn’t stay long. Mom was awake in bed, in pajamas, O2 on, no teeth (on her bedside table) no glasses, watching Carmen on TV.  She was glad to see me. I opened the blinds and we watched the birds. Two parrots came. Mom had a hard time understanding what I was saying. I cleaned her glasses, gave them to her and she understood better. I brushed her hair with the spray-on cream rinse and changed the DVD to Fred Astaire. I gave Mom & Tina a sugarless candy. Mom put on some hand cream then I closed the blinds and hung up her glasses. Nurse Audra came in and said the State had left and they had done well. She had done a double shift and was off for the week-end. I left about 8 PM. Mom was petting the stuffed dog.

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