Wednesday, May 1, 2013

APRIL 28 - 30, 2013

April 28, 2013, Sunday. I went to the NH about 2 PM. I fed the birds, blinds half open. Mom was sound asleep, O2 on, teeth in. Mom slept soundly. I checked her teeth container and both were dry and stuffed back in her drawer. There was no water in her O2 machine so I got water from top of closet and put distilled water in the machine. Tina reported that they couldn’t find her brush so I found the back-up brush I keep there and put it on the night stand. I went to Nurses station and reported that I had found the brush and filled the water. They said they had no budget for distilled water for Mom, that Hospice was supposed to supply it. I explained about the gallon that I had bought. I left the NH about 2:30 PM. Later I saw Carl and he had visited Mom after I did, about 4 PM. He said that Mom’s shin looked very bruised with scabs. He gave her a banana which she ate right up!
April 29, 2013, Monday. I got an email from Mary Gilmore, Hospice nurse saying that water for the oxygen concentrator is not necessary as long as rate is set at below 3 lbs. which it was. It was set at just below 2. Riley called and said that he would go see Mom today. He needs birdseed and will come by and get it plus a pudding I have for Mom.
April 30, 2013, Tuesday. I went to the NH at 9:15 AM this morning. I took the financial statements from the bank to Candy Sandlin for the Medicaid renewal application and we talked a bit. I signed in this time and saw that Riley had signed in yesterday about 6 PM. Then I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom and Tina were in their room, sitting in their w/c’s. Mom’s bed was raised very high and her brakes were off. Tina says that Mom wanted to get into bed but couldn’t because the bed was too high. I put on her brakes, opened the blinds and I polished her fingernails. I brought her a chocolate pudding. She ate a few bites but didn’t want it. She was not thirsty either. Tom, from the State, came in with Nurse Diane and introduced himself all around. We did some personal care and channel surfed some on the TV. The Silver Strings Orchestra was performing in Dining Room II. We went to that. They are very good! I asked Mom if she wanted a coffee but she didn’t. Mom was very lethargic this morning but in a good humor. I gathered up the dirty clothes to take home for washing and left about 10:45 AM. A vertical cut to the sock tops so they don’t cut off Mom’s circulation also seems to make them unattractive to sock thieves.

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