Saturday, March 8, 2014


March 8, 2014, Saturday. I responded to an email from Regina, Hospice nurse. I called the NH about 11:55 PM and spoke with Jessica on Unit II about changing Mom’s diet from “mechanical soft” to “puree’”. She said that the change would be made for lunch today. We discussed the change continuing as long as Mom is on pain medication. I went to the NH about 4:15, fed the birds, blinds closed. Carl was in the room just finishing up changing Mom’s flowers. He said Souhange gave some of her flowers to Mom’s arrangement, the orchids and the green mums. Carl left about 4:25 Pm. Mom was sleeping. I gave her the pillow from Helen and Mom smiled. She likes it. Mom had on a shirt instead of just a nightie. She has a triangle pillow between her legs that seems to add to her comfort. I have clean clothes but didn’t bring them. I need to reevaluate her clothing. I brought home her teeth. Mom slept until the food came. I played slap hands with her some and she had moments of being alert and waved her hands around a bit. There was no indication of itching today. She ate about 1/3 of her food. We channel surfed a bit. Mom likes some of the commercials. She looked out the window. I gave her a chocolate, closed the blinds and changed the DVD to Carmen. I left about 6 PM. Mom seemed better today, less sad.

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