Thursday, February 20, 2014

TUES., FEB. 18, WED., FEB. 19 AND THURS., FEB. 20, 2014

February 18, 2014, Tuesday.  I went to the NH about 3:45 PM. The feeders were full. Mom was sleeping on her bed and Souhange was in her chair, her TV off. Mom’s TV was on playing DVD, sound down. She had her O2 on, teeth in and the window was open. The room was warm. I spoke to Nurse Steve and he came and checked the room, blinds, the window and said that they were having difficulty with temperature controls because of the changing temps outside. Mom awoke and I called for assistance to get Mom up. C.N.A. came in with two trainees and got Mom changed and up into her chair and left. I gave Mom a brush and she brushed her hair then I did too. I got her glasses and they were extremely filthy covered with debris. I cleaned them. We hung clean clothes I brought then went for a walk outside. We went to my car and I got some garbage bags out of the trunk then we walked to the front of the building. I tried to get her to sing but no luck. She enjoyed it when I sang and waved her hand. She asked to go inside. That is a First. Usually it takes coercion to get her back inside. We went back to her room. I changed the DVD. We channel surfed some. I gathered the dirty clothes then took her to the dining room. I said good bye then got the clothes.  Mom is happy to see me and has playful moments but interaction is minimal. I left about 5 PM.
February 19, 2014, Wednesday. I didn’t go to the NH today.
February 20, 2014, Thursday. I went to the NH about 3:45 PM. The feeders were full, blinds half open.  I went to Mom’s room and noted fresh flowers, Carl had signed in for today but no one signed in for yesterday. I left clean clothes in Mom’s room and found Mom in the Great Room playing Bingo. Her responses improved as I assisted her with the games. We returned to her room with her prizes and found Souhange trying to get C.N.A. Roxanne and 2 trainees to get the heart off the door. Apparently she wanted it, so I got it down and gave it to her. Mom and I hung up clothes and channel surfed some. We played patty cake which she enjoyed a lot and she actually coordinated with me on the words “hot”, “cold” and “old”. Then I took Mom outside for a brief walk. When I returned to take her to the dining room a trainee was bringing her tray so we took it to the dining room and I started Mom with her supper. Usually when she has to wait to be served in the dining room she gets her meal at about 5:55PM then they take up trays by 6:30 PM so she doesn’t get very long to eat. Tonight she will have time as I left her with food about 5:15 PM. Mom’s responses improved during my visit.  

 I returned to the NH about 7:45 PM. Mom was in bed watching Singing in the Rain, teeth still in, nightgown on backwards, no O2, no glasses. The room was quite cold. I got another cover out of the closet and put it on Mom’s bed. I got Mom’s nightgown turned around frontwards (open in the back). I was glad to see that she had on one of her own nightgowns because they are heavier than the NH issue. I cleaned her teeth, gave her a chocolate and said good night. I left about 8 PM.

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