Friday, April 19, 2013

APRIL 13 - 19, 2013

April 13, 2013, Saturday. I went to the NH about 10:30 AM. I fed the birds, blinds open. Mom was resting on her bed, feet raised, DVD on, sound down, O2 on but nostrils out of place. I properly placed the O2, cleaned her hands and gave Mom a chocolate. I asked Mom if she wanted to get up and she agreed but she was quite wet. I called for assistance but none came. I changed Mom, cleaned her hands, wiped her face, brushed her hair. A C.N.A. brought an exercise device to the room. She said it was for Tina. We went to dining room II and worked a puzzle. Mom’s problem solving skills were low but improved as we worked. She had a coffee. Then we went for a walk around the facility. Mom propelled herself about half the time. I left Mom in the dining room with a cup of orange juice about 11:45 AM.
April 14, 2013, Sunday. I didn’t go to the NH today. I called Riley and he said he would be sure and go by.
April 15, 2013, Monday. I did not go to NH today. I saw Riley and he said that he went by and fed the birds, Mom was sleeping.
April 16, 2013, Tuesday. I did not go to the NH today. Nurse Diana called and said that Mom had gotten two skin tears while playing Frisbee in an activity. She said that Luz had dressed it and all seemed fine. We talked about Mom’s fragile skin. Later I also got an email from Mary, the Hospice nurse regarding the skin tears.
April 17, 2013, Wednesday. I did not go to the NH today. Riley said he would go by.
April 18, 2013, Thursday. I did not go to the NH today. Riley has a busy day today but said he could feed the birds between 5 – 7 PM.
April 19, 2013, Friday. I went to the NH about 10:15 AM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Temperature this morning was about 40 F and sunny. Mom was resting on her bed, O2 on, no glasses, no socks. I greeted Mom and she seemed to recognize me immediately, if a little tentatively. I had not been to visit in 6 days. I put foot cream on her feet and checked her skin tears. They looked fine, clean and dressing dated 4/18/13. I changed the DVD then we channel surfed some, watched the news. We hung up the clean clothes I brought. Mom was pretty good at problem solving, today, paying attention. She said she was hungry and I gave her a packet of cookies from her Bingo winnings. She ate them with intention. We did some personal care. I assisted her into her chair. We went to dining room II and watched the “volley ball game”. Mom propelled herself part way. I got her a coffee. We cheered the team. Annie and Tara took me aside and showed me the banner they are preparing for the big game with Mom in the crow’s nest saluting. She looks great! It is an outstanding banner for the Pink Panthers (RNC team name). Mom and I went to the beauty shop and made an appointment for Mom to get a haircut and permanent next Tuesday. I left Mom in the TV room watching the news at about 11:20 AM. I took Mom’s dirty clothes home to wash.

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