April 24, 2013, Wednesday. Foxy
and I went to the NH about 3:40 PM today. Riley’s car was in the parking lot
and the feeder was full of birds. We went to Mom’s room and I hung up Mom’s
clean clothes and put away some apparently clean clothes. I saw a parrot at the
new feeder and Riley put some more seed in the feeder before he departed. Foxy
& I went to dining room II. Mom was there playing “volley ball”. Annie told
me that Riley had remarked on how well Mom played. Foxy & I greeted Mom and
other residents. I cleaned Mom’s glasses which seemed mostly clean. We left Mom
in the activity about 4:15 PM, taking home Mom’s dirty clothes. I put some more
seed in the vertical feeder.
April 25, 2013, Thursday. I
did not go to the NH today. Riley reported that he did and that he saw Mom’s
hair this time. He said that Mom did not have her teeth when he got there. She
did get a hair cut!
April 26, 2013, Friday. Annie
from Rec. called about noon and left a message saying that today is the awards
party for the Games For Life competition last Saturday at UT. I went to the NH
about 3 PM. I fed the birds, blinds closed. Mom was asleep on her bed, no
teeth, no glasses, the same DVD as last week playing, O2 on but nose connection
on the floor. I called for help. Yvonne came although she is on a different
unit today. We got Mom up. Mom & I did some personal care. We watched the
birds. I changed the DVD. I accompanied her to the celebration. Mom got a hat
and a medal for her contribution in Arts & Crafts. She did not attend the
event at UT but one of her compositions won an Honorable Mention. Forty two NHs
participated. RNC won some firsts and a lot of awards. They served pink
lemonade and peculiar cookies at the party today. A photograph of Mom was
featured in the Crow’s Nest on the banner for the RNC Ping Panthers. I took Mom
back to her room for a good chocolate and talked to Tina about Mom’s teeth.
Tina reports Mom did not have them in all day today. I left Mom in the TV room
about 4:30 PM.
April 27, 2013, Saturday. I
went to the NH about 9:15 AM. I fed the birds blinds closed. Mom was asleep on
her bed with the O2 on, teeth in place, no glasses. I opened the blinds and Mom
& I watched the birds. We did some personal care and watched the News &
Weather. Mom said that she did Not want her glasses. I changed the DVD to
Singing in the Rain. I pulled extra clean clothes out of drawers and we hung
them up. Her problem solving skills were fairly consistent today. I left her in
bed about 9:50 AM.