Sunday, February 17, 2013

March 18 2012 to 4-20-12

Mom at NH
March 18, 2012, Sunday - @ 11 AM found Mom sleeping dressed with teeth in. Glasses were very dirty. Blinds closed, no TV (DVD player running). No socks on. Aid came and changed her in the bed then we got her up. Psychologist came by. Two CNAs took Mom to lunch @ 11:50 AM. I directed CNAs to put her feet up on a chair. She started antibiotic this AM. Foxy was with me. @ 8 PM Mom was in bed with teeth still in. Also O2 was not on her nose and tubing rolled up and out of Mom’s reach. TV on channel 8 (I put on channel 8 this morning) with no sound. I put on O2, and a new DVD. I washed her teeth and glasses which were very dirty. I gave her a hard candy and showed her where the water for drinking was.
3/19/12 Mon. Doctor Maxwell mentions hospice. Also she says a different doctor ordered the antibiotic and Dr. M. has started lasix to help relieve swelling. This morning about 10 AM Mom was in bed, no teeth. I brought some clothes. Therapist came in and we got her into chair then I assisted taking Mom into area with piano. I left her with Therapist.
3/20/12 Tues. I arrived with Foxy at NH about 12:40 or so. Mom was at lunch. They came to get her for Therapy, the gym. I assisted to the gym. I noticed her leg was weeping a lot, onto the floor, wetting her sock. Nurses came and bandaged. Mom & I sang then Therapist came to work with Mom & I left @ 1:30 PM
I returned in the evening to change the channel, put on DVD, take out her teeth, brush her hair.
3/21/12 Wed. Eve. I came about 7 PM. Mom was in bed with teeth in. I noted R. leg weeping through bandage, wet bed. Bandage loose, out of place. I told charge nurse. I broke the flower vase. CNA assisted me in cleaning up. Took out mom’s teeth and noted excessive Fix-o-dent. I left teeth in cleaning liquid.
3/22/12 Thurs. I arrived about Noon. Mom was at lunch without her teeth. I noted new bandage on her R leg. I got teeth from her bathroom and took them to her in lunchroom. I noted BET on her TV & changed to channel 8. I put her feet up on a chair. She ate well after she got her teeth. Then I accompanied her and CNA to the gym. I put her feet up on stool. I left about 1:20 PM when therapist engaged her. I went to NH about 6:50 PM and found Mom in her room, unaccompanied, sitting in wheelchair, attached to oxygen in a different dress than earlier. She was slowly trying to pull w/c with her feet to the door. I asked, “What ‘cha doing?” She said that she was going home. Channel 8 was on TV where I had left it. I put her feet up on the bed. I showed her new clothes from Helen. We worked on her nails. CNA Angela and new CNA (orientation) came and put her to bed. Cleaned her and changed her. I did her teeth and cleaned her glasses. Mom & I put handcream on legs, hands. I put Foxy on bed with her and she gave him a treat and petted Foxy. Scissors in the room returned to Nurses station. I put on Singing in the Rain and we left.
3/23/12 Friday I arrived about 9:30 AM and Mom was in physical Therapy, the gym. Afterwards Therapist and I took Mom to Big dining room (II) & Mom gave me piano lessons then we went to Nail Spa. Mom got turquoise polish. Then I took her to small dining room. She wheeled herself most of the way while I pulled the O2 compressor. Charge nurse asked to leave her there until lunch. I put her feet up. Nurse said that it is not good to leave her sitting up too long because it is bad for her butt (?). I left for work about 11:00 AM. Tonight about 7:10 PM I found Mom sitting in her chair in her room, TV on channel 8. She was in Different dress from this morning. Her left leg was dripping, puddle on floor, shoe wet, band-aid over skin break, no bruising evident. I put her feet up on bed with pad under leaking leg. R leg bandage looked good. I asked CNA, William, to get nurse. He said nurse knew and was coming soon. Charge nurse came and bandaged L leg and we talked about this new skin break. Mom was propelling herself after supper when it was spotted. William said no wound before supper when he got her up to go to eat. Mom & I colored, a little Tai chi, then CNA came to assist putting Mom to bed, feet higher than head with rolled pillow under heels. I brushed her hair, cleaned her teeth. Mom is very clean. The New flowers in new vase today are Likely from Carl.
3/24/12 Sat. I arrived about 10 AM, Mom was in bed taking pills, Orange dress on, no sock on L foot. Bandage on L leg wet, weeping and pink. I told nurse, John; responded he knew about it and was preparing to change bandage. I brushed Mom’s hair, cream on hands, arms, legs. I put the rolled pillow back under her legs and raised leg part of bed and head too. TV was off. I turned it on and scrolled around and left TV on Hallmark channel. I worked on glasses, bending back into shape with needle nose pliers and cleaning them. I put Foxy on bed with her and she petted and gave him a treat. When I left about 11 Am, with clothes to be washed, bandage still not changed but nurse was in hallway with bandage equipment. About 6:30 Pm I brought new clothes from Helen plus laundered clothes. Mom was still at supper, not eating well.  I put her feet up on chair and with encouragement she ate. I comforted another woman sitting at another table crying. Then Foxy & I accompanied her to her room. I put her feet up on the bed while Mom & I hung up her clothes. Non-looping DVD was in player. I changed to Fred Astaire looping. New CNA, Juliana, assisted putting Mom to bed.  Mom’s bandages were in good shape. Mom is clean. Mom asked about “going home” but soon forgot about it. She just wanted to go to bed. I cleaned her teeth, glasses and put rolled up pillow under feet. She did 5 leg lifts.
3/25/12 Sunday I went twice. About 10 AM Mom was sleeping in bed without teeth. I got her teeth, put fix-o-dent. CNA came and we got her up for lunch.  About 6:50 PM Mom was in her room with the CNA. I put her feet up and we played some patty-cake, “cloud hands”, brushed her hair.  I brought coca cola and we shared. Mom asked me to clean her glasses!! I took her teeth out and cleaned. CNA came and we changed her and put her to bed. Foxy & I left about 8 PM.
3/26/12 Monday. I arrived about 11:15 AM. Medicare inspection in progress. CNA was getting Mom up for lunch. Puddle on floor but Mom seemed dry. I put her feet up on bed and we did some “cloud hands”. I cleaned her glasses, filed fingernails. I arrived about 7PM and Mom was in bed! Staff are always telling me to keep her up after dinner, after eating, for digestion. But she was comfy and tucked in. I washed her teeth, hand cream, face cream, brushed her hair, cleaned glasses. She gave Foxy treats and brushed him and leg lifts and a little “cloud hands”. We watched Dancing with the stars then I left Swingtime on TV about 8 PM.
3/27/12 Tuesday – I arrived about 1 PM. Mom sitting up with SwingTime on TV. I elevated her feet up on the bed. Rileycame by. I cleaned her glasses. I couldn’t find her Walgreens glasses cleanser. Nurse, Nellie, gave me her fingernail clippers and said that she can’t have ‘sharp objects’ in her room. Dr. Fran came by and talked to me about possibility that Mom has sleep apnea and possibility of tests to determine. Mom asked to be put to bed. CNA Barbara helped Mom into bed. I left on cartoon channel.  I returned about 6:50 PM and Mom was in her room. I put her feet up on the bed. TV was on cartoon channel. Mom & I sang songs, a little Tai Chi then CNA came and put Mom to bed, changed her in bed. I cleaned her dentures with toothbrush and her glasses with soap. Foxy got a treat and brushed by Mom. I left looping DVD of SwingTime. Her room had been cleared according to Medicare standards. Nivea, hand cream, perfume, eye glasses cleanser, denture cleanser, bay leaves were all in a bag at the nurse’s station. Head Nurse, Diana, got things for me and apologized. I put things in a bag in my car to be transported daily for personal hygiene.
3/28/12 Wed. – I arrived 11:00 AM. With Foxy. Mom no teeth and in bed. I brought bag of cream, etc. with me. C N A and I got her up for lunch. I left. Returned about 7PM. Mom tucked in bed with teeth still in. We used hand creams, a little Tai Chi, I put American in Paris on TV. I cleaned her teeth, conditioner on hair.
3/29/12 Thursday. I arrived about 1 PM with Foxy. No teeth in plus American in Paris still on. I changed channel to Turner classics and got her teeth for her. I told nurse and C N A. I gave her teeth, we did some hand cream, etc. then I left about 1:40PM. I returned about 5:15 PM. I gave fudge to nurses. Mom was in dining room with Riley and Therapist, Mandy. They had played music together. While I situated Mom, Riley played the piano to everyone’s delight. Ms MacNamara (?) tried to converse with Mom but Mom didn’t participate well. Riley left and Mom and I sang Molly Malone. Then I returned music to her room, and she commenced eating. I returned about 7:30 PM. Mom was deep asleep in bed. I got her teeth and cleaned them. Straightened up a bit then I left. Put TV back to DVD of American in Paris. Left about 7:50 PM.
3/30/12 Friday. I arrived 1st of 3 visits about 10 AM and spotted “blister” on L shin area. I told C N A and reported it to nurses station. Returned Briefly about 5:30-5:40 PM and Mom was in dining room getting ready to eat supper at a table with 3-5 others. I returned about 7:40 PM, Mom watching American in Pari in bed. Her feet were propped very high (good). I changed TV to SPLASH at her encouragement. Took out her teeth, cream and checked & massaged feet. I took her dirty clothes to wash. Some pissed on clothes were in a chair by the bed.
3/31/12 Saturday. At about 10:00 AM medication nurse was at Mom’s door. Mom was lying flat on bed. I raised her feet, head. Hand Cream and checked her feet. Swelling seems to be going down.  Skin on feet is less dry after several days of regular application of handcream. C N A came by and offered fruit cup or chocolate pudding. Mom took the pudding. She did some leg lifts and I changed the channel on TV. She chose a Babar cartoon. Today Mom inquired about ‘when will I be leaving here?’ I told her that she needs to get well, to walk. She did NOT express anxiety when I left (lifesaver candy). I returned about 7 PM with clean laundry, no Foxy. Mom was in bed with pillow under her knees. Hospital gown. C N A said that she couldn’t find Mom’s nightgown. C N As don’t recognize Mom’s sleeping wear? I moved pillow to under her heels the way the nurse had shown me. TV was on something or other and Mom was sleeping soundly. I put clothes away then Med nurse came to give pills.  Waking Mom, I helped Mom sit up (difficult with her feet so high) and take pills. Med nurse took vitals first…Temp 97+, heart rate 64 and blood pressure about 121 over 92? I think. I saw only one of those nasty orange pills (heart med that is dangerous for lungs) plus a couple of white pills.  Mom watched a bit of Singing in the Rain, then first part of Splash (she said she liked to see the part with the kids) then she wanted the Weather channel. We turned to weather channel just in time for monster hail storm. She liked that. I left on Weather channel. We put on hand cream, I massaged her feet then Left about 8 PM.
4/1/12 Sunday. I went about 11 AM and 7:30 PM and stayed about an hour both times.  C N A toileted Mom in the AM before lunch saying that they are going to try to toilet her from now on instead of changing her in the bed to encourage control. Hooray!! Mom was in bed PM with teeth. We creamed, took out her teeth, brushed hair. Foxy visited on AM visit.
4/2/12 Monday. I arrived about 10:30 AM. With Foxy, Mom was sitting up but no teeth and nostril of O2 out of place. I adjusted nostril and went to get teeth, brush with toothpaste. When I brought teeth to Mom nostril out of place again. Asked C N A for assistance but nostril fixture would NOT stay in nostrils. She got nurse and replaced. Therapist came to get Mom. C N A tried to toilet Mom but Mom refused. I returned about 6:30 PM and stayed until 8. Mom still in dining room and it looked like she did not eat much –batter fried squash, fried potatoes and ground meat on bun. I added salt and she ate several pieces plus I picked the meat mixture off the bun and she ate. Then we went back to her room.  We played patty-cake, looked at music and the like C N A came and assisted her to toilet and to bed. C N A said that Mom wanted her teeth out in the afternoon then she gave her teeth back before going to supper. I left TV on TCM.
4/3/12 Tuesday. I arrived about 1 PM, paid for Easter dinner, 2 guests, and paid NH. Mom was in bed, flat, no teeth. I raised feet & head and put pillow under her leg. I got her teeth. They appeared to still be in cleansing solution from last night. Blister on L shin changing. Nurse told me that it is healing, “water blister”.  We changed channel from TCM to Yoga on PBS. We did some stretchies. Returned about 7 PM, routine.
4/4 Wed. I arrived about 10:30 AM and Mom was in bed with hair braided and slightly damp. C N A, LaShonda, came and got her up. I returned about 5:30 PM and Mom & Riley were at the piano, getting ready for supper. Riley played guitar as Mom ate then left @ 6:15 then I left about 6:30, leaving Mom in her wheelchair in her room with stuffed dog on lap. I returned about 8PM and Mom was tangled with her O2 nostril thing and her glasses, very agitated. She wanted her doggy which was out of reach. I could not understand her when she spoke. Language sounded like gibberish. I thought she was having difficulty hearing. She did not understand me very well also. I asked several times if she could understand me. We creamed, brushed her hair, cleaned her glasses. I massaged and put cream on her feet. Also cleaned her teeth and left them in the bathroom. She was calmed down, seemed to improve and was watching Fred Astaire when I left with laundry. Nurse Jill called about 10:30 PM. Mom fell. Nurse reported that Mom made it out to the hallway.
4/5/12 Thursday.  I arrived with Foxy about 1 PM after lunch. Mom was in bed asleep without her teeth. TV was on Follow the Fleet, looping DVD, Fred Astaire Ginger Rogers. Arm bandage looked fresh with bruising apparent. I got her teeth for her. I saw Dr. Maxwell and Fran. Fran and a medical student came to room and saw Mom. She listened to her heart and lungs. I mentioned this was FOUR falls. Fran told me about “hi-low bed” plus gym mat to prevent falls.  That sounds appropriate. Mom was very sleepy so Foxy & I left. I returned about 7:50 PM and Mom was in bed watching Fred Astaire. I raised her bed some and did her nails (soak, new polish), cleaned glasses. I took her teeth out and brushed them, left in water/Listerine. I went looking for nurse Frances and reported bandage out of place and leaking onto bed. C N A Vesta looked at bandage. I left about 8:50 and saw Carl arriving with flowers as I left.
4/6/12 Friday. I arrived about 9:20 AM. Mom was sleeping with wet hair, No bandage on wound, R arm and no teeth. DVD was on but TV was on TCM. I turned off DVD and got her teeth. Then I went to tell the nurse. She came promptly and put bandage on wounds on R arm. I touched up fingernail polish; Cream and massage on feet and cream on hands. I left about 9:50 AM. I returned about 7 PM. Doris Day on TCM. I took out her teeth, etc. I left about 8 PM.
4/7/12 Saturday. Foxy & I arrived about 9:30 AM. Mom was in bed, no teeth. I got her teeth for her. Foxy & I went to see Mom about 6:30 PM. Mom was sitting up in her room. I muted TCM and We sang songs. Vesta, C N A, toileted and assisted putting Mom to bed. Bandage on L arm still dated 4/6 and stains evident. I left about 7:30 PM.
4/8/12 Sunday.  I arrived about 11:30 AM. Mom was in dining room without her glasses. I took handcream bag to her room, got her glasses, cleaned them and brought back to dining room. I checked her bandage. It had not been changed since 4/6 and was loose, out of place. I reported to nurse and nurse, Steve, said that he would change it after lunch. Riley came about 12:10 and did not get served Easter Lunch. After Lunch, Riley and I escorted Mom to her room. Put TV on KLRU. Nurse Steve was on his lunch break. Riley said that he would wait for nurse to change Mom’s bandage and I left about 1:15 PM. Riley reported that he went and got nurse, Steve, and he changed the bandage. I returned about 5:30 PM and Mom was at supper but was not eating the tough pizza. I brought ½ chicken sandwich from home. She ate it all plus the dessert ice cream NH supplied. We returned to her room and I put TV on TCM. C N A, Vesta, assisted Mom to bathroom and to bed. I took her teeth out to brush them but tooth cleaning equipment was missing. Vesta went and brought back 2 toothbrushes and toothpaste. Missing were 1 toothbrush and Fix-O-Dent supplied by NH. Also missing were two toothbrushes, Rembrandt toothpaste (sample size) and plastic cup supplied by me.
4/9/12 Monday. I arrived about 9:50 AM and left about 10:15 AM. Mom was sleeping, blinds closed, no teeth, TV on TCM.  I opened the blinds, got her teeth, brushed them and gave them to her. She said that she wanted to sleep. I changed TV to KLRU and cleaned her glasses but did not put them on her. I reported missing cup & teeth cleaning apparatus to Mike. Tami said she knows someone who would like four of Mom’s bracelets! I returned about 6:30 PM and Mom was in dining room. I accompanied Mom to her room with C N A. We played patty cake, did some hands Tai Chi and put Mom to bed. I left TV on DVD, cleaned her teeth.
4/10/12 Tuesday. I arrived about 3 PM. Mom was in bed, no teeth. Brad in Social work gave me document about Mom’s discharge from Skilled Nursing, end of therapies. I talked to nursing about her lack of dentures and eating mechanical soft. Nursing added “dentures” to care chart. Mom’s bandage on L arm was out of place. Nurse looked at it and removed bandage and said she would put clear bandage later. I saw Mom remove her oxygen tube and cast aside! Later LaShonda said that Mom does that. I accompanied Mom to birthday party, piano concert in dining room II. Afterwards I took Mom to small piano and got 2 pieces of music for her to practice while I went to get Foxy from beauty shop. Occupational therapist was with her. When I returned with Foxy Mom was in her room with Carl & Charlotte. Med nurse came and gave her meds ground up in applesauce. I reminded nurse about bandage. Carl brought new flowers. They left and nurse came and put clear cover on L arm wound. I accompanied Mom to dining room. Foxy &I left about 5:50 PM. We saw Riley out front.
4/11/12 Wed. I arrived about 11:50, left about 1:30. Mom was not yet served lunch. I sat with her at lunch and assisted. Cleaned her glasses. After lunch accompanied her to her room where DVD was playing. C N A assisted her to toilet and helped her to bed. I asked about leaving accoutrements in the room. I returned about 3 PM and took Mom to the dining room for shopping. Occupational Therapist helped me get a portable O2 so Mom could shop. She bought shoes, 2 nightgowns and 3 dresses for $104. I took Mom back to her room and assisted her back to bed. I put clothes in the closet and Fred Astaire on DVD. I left about 4:15.
4/12/12 Thursday. I arrived about 12 PM. Mom was in her room, in bed. I raised her feet, put the pillow under her feet, cleaned her glasses, changed TV from DVD to channel 8, local news. She continued to sleep. I left. I returned about 5:15 PM with Foxy and Mom was in dining room. I went to her room and changed TV from news to DVD. Half of the Wound on her L elbow looks puss-y through transparent bandage, seems to be leaking. I reported to one nurse. She went off duty. I reported to next nurse. I left about 6:15 PM, Mom still at supper. (Mom asked why she couldn’t go with me.)  I returned with Foxy about 7:20 PM. Bandage had not been changed but Nurse told me that she would. Mom was in her pink blouse in bed.  I changed her into a nightgown, cleaned her glasses, raised her feet and moved the pillow from under her knees to under her feet. (She expressed no anxiety when I left but did ask ‘why?’). I got her dirty clothes to wash and changed plastic bag. I left a package of plastic kitchen size bags.
4/13/12 Friday. Foxy & I arrived about 10:15 left about 10:50 AM.  Mom was in bed with feet too low. I raised feet and changed TV from Fox to TCM. Wound on L elbow area was uncovered and didn’t look good to me. I asked nurse about it. She checked it, poked it and it was sore. She covered with plastic bandage and said that she would ask Doctor to look at it. Mom’s hair was wet. I put conditioner on it, handcream and face cream. I touched up her fingernails. Foxy & I arrived about 7 PM and we left 8 PM. Juanita, C N A, had just toileted Mom, left her sitting with Foxy & I. Mom’s toothbrushes, toothpaste supplied by NH and Plastic cup and Fix-o-dent sample size supplied by me all missing. I found one NH toothbrush to clean her teeth. I left them in Listerine/water in NH supplied cup to soak.  We played peas-porridge-hot. I brought back her clean clothes. Mom and I hung them up, put away. I put Mom to bed, adjusted bed. Mom petted Foxy for awhile. Handcream and cleaned glasses. I left TV on TCM, Casablanca.
4-14-12 Sat. Foxy & I went to see Mom this morning 10 AM and left about 10:30 AM. I took her some strawberries. I changed the TV from TCM channel to DVD, singing in the rain. Mom dressed and in bed. I put pillow under her feet, checked her feet and raised foot of bed. I checked wound on elbow and this morning Mom said no pain when I poked it. Also the color of her arm around the wound looked better. New flowers which Carl brought yesterday are beautiful. Helen, Foxy & I visited Mom after supper. Mom in bed. I did some instruction on Mom care. Mom asked Helen “What happened to you?” Mom became some agitated by all the talking.  Arm wound looks okay but Mom says still sore when I poked it. Feet looked good.
4-15-12, Sunday. Helen was with Mom over 2 hours in 10:00 – to lunch. I went there to get Helen for Lunch and see Sharon’s yard. Mom was at lunch without glasses. TV was on DVD. I changed to channel 8. I cleaned glasses and gave them to Mom in lunch room. Helen reports she left after lunch when Mom napped. She reported that she & Greg visited later, after supper.
4-16-12 Monday. Foxy & I went to NH about 10 AM. I changed the channel from Fox to local news, raised her feet brushed her hair then Helen came and we went to lunch at Elsi’s. Helen reported that she spent a lot of time with Mom, doing exercises and the like.
4-17-12 Tuesday. I went to NH about 12:40 to see Candy about Medicaid application. Mom was in lunch room. Everyone else was gone. I sat with her a bit and accompanied her back to her room. I put TV to DVD of American in Paris and helped Mom to coloring book which she did enthusiastically. I left her in chair coloring about 2 PM. C N A Mary said that she would put Mom to nap before she left at 2:30 PM. New flowers in Mom’s room. Carl says that he brought them Monday. I went by to see Mom about 7:20 PM and found colors and pages and put them away. I took one to show at dinner with family. Helen did not visit.
4-18-12 Wednesday. Foxy & I went to NH about 10:30. I worked on her nails, changed TV from DVD to channel 8, local news, cleaned & polished her fingernails. We looked at art books a little. C N A Mary changed her in bed and put her in chair. We did some Tai Chi then we helped C N A transport to dining room. “No dog in dining room.”  We left about noon. Helen reports that she & Kim went to NH. Mom asked Kim “How’s Chester and your Father?” !!! (Geraldine hasn’t asked after Kim’s family in 20 years?!) Kim & Helen, massaged and exercised Mom. Then watched “Annie” on DVD. Then Helen left looping DVD on TV.
4-19-12 Thursday. Foxy and I went to NH about 4:50 PM. Helen and Mom were in dining room with news magazine. Foxy and I joined them. I cleaned Mom’s glasses and put new DVD, cleaned by Riley, Shall we Dance, on TV. We left about 5:10 PM. Helen stayed with Mom.
4-20-12 Friday. Foxy & I arrived at NH about 9:20 AM. Mom was sitting in w/chair in her room. I got her walker and put her feet up. I gave her a cookie & put Foxy on her bed so she could reach him to pet him. C N A came to get her for a bath. I saved half her cookie while she went. I put Tom Hanks Cast Away movie which Riley had cleaned on DVD. C N A took conditioner that Helen had bought. It worked nicely on mom’s hair.  We put on hand cream. Some of Mom’s toiletries are missing (deoderant). C N A put Mom in bed. We did some exercises; legs and cloud hands. We left with dirty clothes about 10:30 AM.

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